Surviver’s note: 3

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Surviver’s note: 3

When I arrived at the beaches I met this… person, who accepted me into a kind of tribe. We didn’t trust each other, but he or she had my back, so after awhile I did start feeling safe. The person I met one day asked me a question… it was if I was afraid of water. “Uhhh, no?” I said, like an idiot! Whatever, the person gave me a harpoon rifle and a scuba tank, telling me to go down into the water and swim to the bottom and find… this weird squid like thing, a ammonite is what it’s called he said.

Go swimming he said, it would be fun, he said! Ugh!!! I got attacked by a megalodon and later, a goddam swarm of manta ray’s! What the heck!?! But after about two hours, I finally find one. I shoot a harpoon into its shell, dragging it after me, taking it to the surface. When I get up, I’m greeted with the face of a raptor, laying down just looking into my eyes. I stand up in the water, grabbing the ammonite showing it to the person. He spat out his… uh drink? Whatever! He ran forward, hugged me, and even gave me a drink. Turn’s out he had been looking after one for many hour’s a day. Because… the meat is apparently delicious. Well we will see about that. He also gave me a raptor of my own, for helping him.


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