ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

You need friends?
Your'e lonely?
Just hit one of these and you will have lots of friends
They have a built in distress call, so if you attack it'll yell for help and like Every Single Ocean Creature will run to the rescue.
To the ammonites rescue, not to yours.
If you want loads of xp then you should punch it and kill everything that comes after you
I’m not entirely sure if this theory can be considered canon, but I think that the ammonite uses the pheromones as a psychological convincer to any random creature to defend it.
That’s just a theory, a GAME THEORY!!!
You touch the spaghetti, le spaghetti will not forghetti that you toucha the important ammonetti
Basically the equivalent of the chicken in Skyrim, you hit it be ready for a big fight with the town
They use their fart as a distress call
Then you smell like ammonite fart
Then you die to a coelacanth
These guys are like taylor swift, you make fun of them (hit them really) and their 9999999 fans with come save it!
Attack them inside the mosa cave, it's smart....
It says it’s early game. I’ll go fight it with my cloth armor and spear now💀
Let me explain how sensitive these things are. If you get close, or hit them once, they will call their 'besties'.
And their besties?
The. Entire. Ocean.
Ever met a cry baby?..This guy will wail if you hit it and will cover you in a type of pheromone gas....causing you to attract every dino, sea or land, to bite your butt. Prepare for war. You only need to survive 80sec.
This thing is a crybaby. Hit it, and it'll go blubbering to all its friends. Exactly who are its friends? The whole ocean.
If you are looking to kill it to get the Ammonite bile, Be careful and try and clear most of the cave or around you before you attack it or get a strong water dino or get ready for death!
I find them really useful I found out that if you hit them you get this effect that lures all creature to and I found out that if you punch one and lure a mosa to surface it will get stuck because the mosa passed its barrier in the water cause normally they would stop following You after a.certain point
Belle Delphine and her army of SIMPS!
If you accident hit these, RUN LIKE HELL. Everything around you is coming for you. I also went to the surface and stegos and a few trikes tired to attack me.
Dont forget that they drop ammonite bile 2. Um, i dont know what to write but it said that i needed to write more before i submited the tip.