ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Good at shredding things, use right click attack and hold it on a large dino like a bronto or rex, and it will be dead in seconds. It can also wreck gigas and titanosaurs given it lives long enough.
More Velonasaur Utility Tips
(Same guy who petitioned tranq needles)
Petition to be able to feed it gunpowder or spark powder to get explosive needles
Their turret mode does a set amount of damage. Increasing the melee damage does increase the damage of the turret mode but only while mounted. Up so more people know!
Screw the giga. This is the most OP creature in the game. Pump all levels into stamina, damage, and health. They will literally kill everything in their path. I also recommend putting them on a quetzal. Boom. You get a legit badass fighter jet with infinite ammo.
Their ranged attack is bonkers, I went from worrying about every nearby predator, to gunning down everything I don't like.
They burn through Stam fast in turret mode, but they can run forever.
We won't know for certain if their melee damage increases their needle damage until the dev kit releases, or until someone shows conclusive video proof.
Tame one of these and have a blast.
Slightly shorter than a carno and a effective single target needle ranged attack and a aoe melee range attack this dino will be a must tame as a mobile turret.
Upgrading melee damage increases projectile damage
It's a breedable auto turret. What more needs to be said?
Once You get a group of these You can put them on a Quetz platform saddle, level up stamina, fill their inventory with raw meat so they never run out of stamina, then set them to turret mode. (Also donβt forget to allow AI special attacks)
Congratulations, You now have a Quetz gunship that runs on raw meat.
The needle attack blocks turret bullets until stamina runs out. Possible new soakers?
If you want to have them as a turret dont max damage this wouldnt increase proyectile damage in TURRET MODE only increases when you are riding it