ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

You don’t need to trap this to tame, it’s a solo tame. If you run up to it, it will go into turret mode then you need to walk circles around it and keep hitting with tranq until it eventually tries to walk away *in turret mode so really slow walking*
Their ranged attack is bonkers, I went from worrying about every nearby predator, to gunning down everything I don't like.
They burn through Stam fast in turret mode, but they can run forever.
We won't know for certain if their melee damage increases their needle damage until the dev kit releases, or until someone shows conclusive video proof.
Tame one of these and have a blast.
They can be found in the Fjordur Map on the shores in the Volcano biome, along with some X-Trikes and a few more stuff- — Bob the Builder
Actual Kibble: Regular Augmented Kibble
1x Medium Sized Egg
1x Cooked Prime Meat
2x Rockcarrot
2x Savoroot
5x Mejoberries
3x Fiber
10x Blue Crystalized Sap
1x Water
Medium Sized Eggs: Ankylosaurus, Baryonyx, Carno, Dimetrodon, Diplodocus, Iguanadon, Kaprosuchus, Kentrosaurus, Stegosaurus, Pachyrhino, Pelagornis, Sarco, Scorpion, Terror Bird, Troodon, Carbodemys.
That one dilophosaur after i feed him 100 potent dust
The regular augmented kibble requires savoroot along with rockarrot!
I just pick them up with a quez and drop them in a two by two trap. Never had them affect the quez but then I'm straight in and grab them.
Found in desert biome in extinction dlc, in south east corner of map
We can use the net projectile with this dino, easy tame!
Once You get a group of these You can put them on a Quetz platform saddle, level up stamina, fill their inventory with raw meat so they never run out of stamina, then set them to turret mode. (Also don’t forget to allow AI special attacks)
Congratulations, You now have a Quetz gunship that runs on raw meat.
About a couple weeks ago, I was so lucky I was fooled into thinking a Velonasaur disregarded a shooter when mounting an Allosaur. Just now, I thought about how a Stegosaurus protects it's rider from arrows, and then shot at the Velonasaur between the plates in Hardened mode. I got very little damage comparatively, and knocked it out in relative peace. Stegos are the key, my packmates.