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I’m on a private server (hard difficulty), where most Dodo functions (taming time & kibble amount ) are accurate. However, the taming times & kibble amount is inaccurate for the Royal Griffin. I wind up taming a level 240 lvl but it took over +20minutes, 2 super Griffin kibble, and 200 narcotics. I used major soothing balm too. According to the Dodo app, with major soothing balm the tame should have took little over 4minutes with only 1 super Griffin kibble. As suggested, bring extra kibble and narcotics!

To start the tame process, I used the dino gate method and trapped the Griffin. Essentially, I used to a Pteranodon and allowed the Griffin to agro me and lured the Griffin into the dino gate setup. I used a high damage rifle (+1000 damage) with tranq darts for the knockout. It took +20 darts each dart spaced out every 5 seconds.

Of course the longest process is acquiring the super Griffin kibble! I had to tame two of the same name line, male & female (one was lvl 10 & other was lvl 30) using the carnivore pheromone. The pair can only mate once every 8 hours & to make the kibble you have to purchase the snake seeds (along with growing the essential crops! (potatoes, corn, and lemons).

It’s a looooong process but it’s worth it. The Griffin at high level is very formidable. I have taken down Gigas & Titans with relative ease!

More Royal Griffin Taming & KO Tips