ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Do not spend ancient amber on soothing balm.
Instead do this.
1. (Optional) Get aurthoplura pet (Recommended from clever cave) you can tame a lvl 70 with one broth of enlightenment, although it is a pain getting the black pearl. It is passive tame but you can easily get close with bug repellent and ghillie armor, The aurthoplura is a good tame cuz no other animal can see it.
2. Go speedrun the caves with aurthoplura with its stealth you can easily pass any enemies.
3. Do the snow cave first (remember to bring fur) and bring about 5 sleeping bags find the artifact (you can do the entire cave with this guy place sleeping bags near artifact grab one, and then die respawn near obelisk tribute it and die again respawn back at sleeping bag and so forth. Do this until you get gas mask. (You can teleport tame out of cave).
4.head to swamp cave with buddy, gas masks and sleeping bag, do the cave (you might have to do some of it on foot so I recommend bring weapon) find artifact place sleeping bags and repeat.
You can also do this in lave cave and get acendent weapons (mastercraft if in easy) and also will not work so easily in hardcore.
Got 15 times 10 soothing balm this way
Hope this helps ;) WCKDD1
More Royal Griffin Taming & KO Tips
Hey there! This is A SUPER SERIOUS TIP! If u want a high level use a 15x soothing balm… they cost 45 amber but an easy way to get amber is to go around the map on ur fastest flyer or mount and open supply drops… there is a 25% chance u will get amber, the better the drop, the more amber u get, also if u find a ringed drip they have a 40% to drop amber, underwater drops have a 30% of amber drop, ringed underwater drops have a 50% chance of amber drop, the maximum amber u can get from a drop is 5. Also cave drops have a 25% to drop amber… One more thing, the artifact of the strong can reward amber occasionaly as well. -Valkeri
Don't unclaim it because it will not die after 15 min. But it will become a real wild griffin and get angry on you.
If you need to tame a royal Griffin in 30 second then do this:-
Step1:-go in the top of Griffin mountain and put trap and trap it and
Wait for night then put a bed and sleep this will do your Griffin food zero
Step2:-then knock it
Step3:-give 10×balm and put your meat or prime meat or griffin kibble fast
U need to be level 85^ to tame
If a Griffin doesen't respects you, you can't tame it.
Ok.. I’m a seasoned ark mobile player. HERES how to tame a high level griffin.
Ok so what I do usually is either tame female allo and breed a bunch of eggs/collect up then make the kibble, or, what I rather do, is collect 25 amber from drops/metal farming and buy the CHEF STATION and buy 12 kibble. Refills for 20 amber give you 9 kibble. You shouldn’t need more than 12 for this first thing.
BALM: do the megaphriana pursuit if you haven’t already, it gives you a balm. Otherwise, get a 10x balm from farming the hunter cave!
STEP 2: taming low level
The goal is to get two LOW level griffins and breed them to make griffin kibble to tame a higher level. To breed griffins, you need two with the same surname. For example, -yss or -ys or -an. You will need two of these, a male and female. Find one that’s like.. under level 30. Anything above will be too much hassle. Once you have one, use it to find another low level with the same surname, also under lvl 30, maybe even lower. The lower the better, you want a fast tame. The first one shouldn’t take more than 12 allo kibble with a balm, so you want to aim for a lower level and buy refills for chef station if you went with that route. Once you have both a male and female griffin you can move into the next step.
Once you have these two griffins, breed them. It might take a while, and the cool-down is long. Do not hatch the egg. Buy a snake seed from the shop for 2 amber (?) and create griffin kibble. You can ever go a step further and buy a carnivore pheromone for an easier tame (making super griffin kibble). Most levels will only need one of these. Most up to level 150 will only take a couple of normal griffin kibble, so keep breeding your griffins until you have enough kibble that Dododex says you need for the level you want.
Step 4: TAMINGGG!!!
Find your high level griffin, depending on the level will change how much kibble you will need, but it shouldn’t be too bad now you have griffin kibble. 250 takes not too many. Use a 10x balm you got from the hunter cave ALWAYS while taming any griffin. Too long without it. Tame it, keep it asleep, have fun gliding!!
Biotoxin!!! Bio toxin is great, most jellyfish can be found on the coast near griffin mountain, snipe them out of the water with a bow or crossbow and gather with a pick. Or simple narcotics. Either works.
Knocking out: for higher levels you can use anything, for lower levels if their health is pretty low, I’d use a longneck to be safe.
I know the amber grind sounds hard but it’s very worth it, the chef station also provides all kibble for any tame! I always buy one, it’s a necessity.
That’s all I can think about now!! I’ve been playing for 4 years and this is my favourite thing to do when I get into a new server !
Good luck survivor!
If you have the same last name as a griffen it will respect you
If you’re in single player, Taming these will be much easier, just follow these steps.
1. Select a low lvl griffin, Lead it away from the mountian into a trap where there are no creatures
2. Place down a bed and sleep, this will cause the griffin to be starving when u KO it. (Only works in single player, in Multiplayer just leave it trapped for a few hours and dont let it kill anything)
3. Knock it out, Get soothing balm and give it to the griffin, Then get prime meat or allo kibble and give it to the griffin. Just make sure you have enough so that it tames
4. Get another low lvl griffin with the same last letters in its name that is the opposite gender.
5. Repeat the process, tame up around 2-4 females and 1 male only.
6. Breed them, make griffin kibble.
7. Repeat the process with a high lvl griffin, but use griffin kibble instead.
Quick tip: when i tamed a 290 griffin at 10x balm it needed 4 griffin kibble and at 15x balm it needed 3, if that helps.
These are so mean on mobile. I go up the mountain for rare mushrooms to tame a kangaroo 🦘. Come down to 5 of these trying to kill my equus. AND when I knock one out it says "IT DOES NOT RESPECT YOU" and I'm like "Waaaaaaaa"