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A somewhat lengthy method to tame a griffin that doesn’t require kibble would rely on trapping and the mobile glitch of getting its food to zero, overall steps would be:

1) build trap: I would recommend three Dino gateways, one gate, a stone fence foundation, and three stone doorways. Similar to an argh trap, position the gateways so they form a tunnel where the character can walk through but not a larger tame, and at the distant end of it plus a bit more place the stone foundation and the three doorways. This will trap the griffin, but the character will still be able to leave without having to open/close another door. Slap the gate on the gateway where the griffen will enter. This method is unfortunately also reliant on a pt with decent health.

2) Lure and trap griffen: find griffen that respects you, aggro it, and lead it to the trap. Let it hit you every once in a while to keep aggro. Fly through the trap and wait inside for the griffen to enter, may require a straight shot.

3) gather mats: a bit further from the trap where the griffen can’t hit, build a stone foundation and on it put a bed, 2-3 preserving bins, and either the mortar and pestle or just bring sparkpowder. If necessary, fence off the region with spiked walls.

4) go around killing things that drop prime, zoom back and place in preserving bin. Rinse and repeat until you have like, at least 1.5x what dododex recs, just in case (and because they spoil fast. Good place to farm is foot of far peak and carno island, as it’s pretty close with a decent pt. Use the spyglass barrel roll glitch for fast killing and gathering. (Carnos, allos, rexes, argies, and stegos all drop prime in the region)

5) with enough prime and the griffen in the trap, sleep. Knock out the griffen after checking prime meat stores to see if there’s still enough, knock griffen if yes, grind more if not. Tame with balm.

Good luck have fun, would rec taming two low levels with the same name endings first, then use their eggs for kibble for future high level griffen tames to avoid having to repeat this process again.

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