2 points   🥚 Taming & KO       Report

To tame a Griffin, You should be 85+ and make sure to bring tons of Narcotics or Bio Toxins. For the trap you can use 4 Stone Dino Gateways, 1 Stone Dino Gate and 4 Stone pillars.

Step on taming :

1) Lure the Griffin with a Ptera or speedy Argy.

2) Use the gate for bringing the Griffin into the trap and use the pillars side for eloping with your Ptera or Argy.

3) While the Griffin is trapped, use a sleeping bag to starve it. (You do need to sleep for starving it.)

4) After waking up, Tranq the Griffin,Use 10x Soothing Balm and put the kibble of your choice in it.

5) Then check the taming process and wait for it to be tamed.

My name in game is darkshadow018.

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