In abt June 2022 I was playing on a I’ve server on lost island with a tribe mate.
In abt June 2022 I was playing on a I’ve server on lost island with a tribe mate. We just got some stupid high level mutated Dino’s, and then, there was a Rex. A Beutiful map level Red, teal, and black lv 200 heading straight for us and out meek little base. Me and my tribe mate instantly cryopodded our raptor, dilophosaurus, and dodo. Then we took to the sky.
But no, we did not run. We opened fire.
It took a lot of tranks, but then, the queen of the ark was unconscious. We tamed her, named her glitch, and got her to level 271. She was wonderful. We got her a mate, hatched 10 more rexes, mustered them, leveled them, pushed them to the maximum. Then, we decided to fight the alpha deinopithicus king. It was a long, hard fight, and in the end we lost delta and her sister, Kira. Otherwise, we didn’t lose anybody else. (Except for my tribe mate but he can respawn). Then, a few weeks later, server wipe. It was sad, but, I was able to eventually move on. I am now on the quest to tame a new female that looks like her in my solo world. Miss you Glich! And all your kids.