Why it’s arms so long tho.Ripple is my grandma. A H E L P F U L T I P S H O U L D C O N T A I N A F E W M O R E W O R D S.
it killed my pet fish named larry so i’m currently roasting him on a nice mahogany fire
I was trying to find mine a mate and I found a good one but it didn’t want him so much that she stayed in the air until I left and he still is single
This is what our ancestors ate before KFC was a thing
Friend: this is my latest tame
He points at a pelagornis
Me:oh wow it’s a puffen
I tamed one that was just sitting there, STARING.
And I just shot him with a tranq and he fell on a rock, I mined the rock and he just float, mid air and unconscious like how
For that I named him sir floatsalot
Well I can't call him a seagull anymore now that I know there is a douchebag named the ichthyornis, that flying nightmare that eats your shit that you will never get it back.
Oh cool dodos evolved.
big seagull fly. I like big seagull :)
This thing is basically a jetski with wings