ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

More Pegomastax Funny Tips
Pegomastax’s be like
*YoUr ARK aCcOuNt WaS dEsTrOyEd By Pegomastax450 LvL 449*
Player: Aw man
*Your other game accounts were destroyed by Pegomastax450 LvL 449*
Player: I’ll touch grass, let me get my keys
*Your key was taken by Pegomastax450 LvL 450*
*Your wife was taken by Pegomastax450 LvL 450*
Player: Elly!
*Your children were taken by Pegomastax450*
Player: Billy, Bobby, no!
*Your life savings were taken by Pegomastax450*
Player: No!
*Your food was taken by Pegomastax450*
Player: Man, I’m hungry
*Your credit card information was taken by Pegomastax450*
Player: How is this still going?!
*Your water supply was taken by Pegomastax450*
Player: I’m thirsty
*You were killed*
Player: *Gasp* The Golden Gates! Wait these aren’t the Golden Gates
*You are now in Pegomastax land*
Player: ☠️☠️☠️☠️