ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

When I tame one I just swim down to a underwater rock and hide under a arch area of the rock and keep shooting it with tranqs this way u don't have to move and torpor will be at its highest. Bring scuba gear also no tames needed u can do it solo as player but might aswell bring a tame for food timer
More Mosasaurus Taming & KO Tips
(MOBILE) Want an easy, very risk free and extremely fast way of knocking out one?
(I assume you said yes).
1. Get a speedy water mount, preferably a ichthy
2. Find your desired mosasaur
3. Find nearby ammonites.
4. Trigger ammonite rage
5. Get the mosasaur aggro’d on to you
6. Lead the mosasaur to shore, when you have rage, mosasaurs completely ignore their depth limits. If rage runs out, get rage again and continue from where you left off.
7. Once the mosasaur is near shore and very high up, essentially next the beach, lose your aggro on it by waiting for the rage to run out. Just make sure the mosasaur doesn’t leave the beach area.
8. The mosasaur is now stuck there, he cannot attack nor move because his pathfinding is broken and he cannot calculate where to go.
9. Knock out and tame your mosasaurus, should be hard to do either because you’re at the beach and the mosasaur can’t move.
10. Up this strategy because it’s easy and effective.
TIPP: Easy Taming
The Mosasaurus is a deepsea creature, that means you can easily knock him out with this Trick. (you should use a basilosaurus because of his health and the immunity effects)
1) Swimm down to the deepsea
2) Let the Mosa follow you up
3) If you swimm high enought he will stop chasing you
4) When he Stops chasing you, just shoot at him with tranqs (the higher your Crossbow damage the faster he gets knocked)
5) Repeat the first steps if he swimms too far away from you
6) knock him out and feed him some Quetzal Kibbel
7) Enjoy your Aquatic Giant
BONUS TIPP: He spawn around the carno Island and i would recommend to not go too far from your basilosaurus while shooting the Mosa Because you are f*cked if some eals appear and you cant mount your Basilo to kill them (He is immune to the Shocking effect)
~Madara Uchiha
It's says it takes 8 quetz kibble for a 150 mosa and 7 for a 145. I tamed a lvl 145 female mosa with 4 quetz kibble. Up for ark mobile players to see.
How to tame a Mosa!
8/10 Difficulty
First, let’s prepare!
Things Needed: Crossbow (Tranq arrow) or harpoon launcher (Tranq harpoon), trap materials (If using trapping method), itchy or tusotuethis (Depending on KO method), LOTS of narcotics or biotoxin (You can get biotoxin from the jellyfish when you knock it out so you don’t need to bring some immediately.
4 Methods
Method 1 - Trapping
Trap materials: 6x behemoth stone gateway, 2x behemoth gate.
Place the 6 gateways in a line somewhat far apart, make sure a Megalodon can fit through the gap. Then place the gates on each end of the trap, leaving one gate open and the other closed.
Recommended mount: Itchy as they are fast, but I would recommend putting points into health and speed
Find the mosa and get it to aggro on you. Now make it follow you into the open gateway in the trap. Swim out one of the gaps in the gates and then quickly close the open door.
Now shoot it with your tranq ammo of choice (Crossbow, Harpoon Launcher) until it’s kncked out.
Method 2 - Safari Style 1
Recommended mount: Itchy as you can shoot while riding it. Still put points into health and speed.
Find mosa and swim around it, following behind it while shooting it so you don’t get attacked. Repeat until KO’d.
Method 3 - Safari Style 2
Recommended mount: Itchy as you can shoot while riding it. Still put points into health and speed.
Shoot the mosa a couple times to aggro then swim up to the depth limit that the mosa can go. It can only swim up to a certain height until it starts to swim back down. While it swims back down shoot it until out of range then repeat until knocked out.
Method 4 - Tuso
Recommended mount: Tuso
Grab mosa with Tuso then dismount and shoot it. The Tuso will deal torpor with its ability while you shoot until it’s knocked out.
The mosa is the Giga of the sea. It’s is very powerful and can be equipped with a platform saddle. If it goes above a certain depth it will start taking damage.
Previous tip: Yutyrannus
Next tip: Tusotuethis
Center tip: as they have added the mosa to the center I've found the easiest way to knock one out is find one close to the bubbles get its Agro and swim in the bubble the mosa will get stuck and it can't hit you. Also this gives you unlimited oxygen and sanctuary from being attacked by anything else. 🤘ðŸ¼
For the people vote for this
no scuba gear or any traps but underwater cave allowed but no traps
have an ichy or diplocaulus
ichy:all wild creatures will ignore you if your riding ichy
diplocaulus: help stay you longer in underwater but need less weight
have an acendant crossbow with alot of trand arrows
I tamed this guy with raw fish meat and it took at least seven ark days
These can be tamed by aggroing them and swimming upwards. There is a height barrier which they cannot cross and so you can tranq them with a crossbow from above that invisible barrier.
Water giga, carries base, need I say more