Chapter 6
Fuzzball turn behind with confusion. “How do you know my name?” Fuzzball said to the darkness in front of him. “We met a long time ago…perhaps you remember the huge gorilla you saw when you were in the snow biomes.” The mysterious creature said. “Who is he anyways, is he the overseer?” Fuzzball whispered to Scar. Scar gestured Fuzzball to be quiet and listen to him. “Kacrrom!” The lights then turned on. In front of him was a huge Gigantipitichus that seems badly injured. Fuzzball realized who he was, his long lost cousin. “Blizzard?!” Fuzzball said with excitement and confusion.
“Well we meet again Fuzzball.” Blizzard said while grinning to Fuzzball. Blizzard was an Megapitichus that escaped his prison of being slaughtered by humans in his arena but Fuzzball still didn’t know how Blizzard was his cousin. “As you see, after I escaped my prison.. the Gigantipitichus was stranded, one after another, they keep dying in the cold snow and of predators.” Said blizzard as he continued. “ I decided to help their tribe by taking to the redwoods. The first Gigantipitchus that settled to the Redwoods was scared and hopeless. We soon got sued to the environment and builded the a village, but ever since the corruption came out it’s been a disaster.” Blizzard sadly said.
“Also we brought the Artifact of Cure.” Fuzzball said as he quickly scurried to Blizzard with the Artifact in his hand. “With this we might make a cure for the corrupted.” Blizzard said as he picked up the Artifact. “Might?” Scar asked from behind Fuzzball. “As you see, our scientist are really low but the humans would either make us their slave or slaughter us when we ask for help.” Blizzard replied. “CRROOM.!!!” A guard suddenly came rushing in with worry. “Sir! Corrupted terror birds are trying to break in!” The guard said with fear in his eyes. “SOUND THE ALARMS AND EVACUATE THEM TO THE GRAND WALL.” Blizzard shouted orders as he got off his chair. The guards quickly blowed the horn on top of the overseers building and the ground shooked. “GET ME FLYER!” Blizzard said to one of the guards . “ You two listen carefully, Flyer is gonna take you to the hidden cave and from there give the artifact to the scientist.” Blizzard said slowly. “ Sir I’m ready!” Flyer said as he putted on a helmet. “Take them to the hidden cave.” Blizzard said. “B-but what about you?” Fuzzball said.
“I’ll be fine now go!” Blizzard said as he rushed outside to shout out orders. “You heard him let’s go!” Said Flyer as he leaded us to a Quetzal with back seats. “COME ON WE DONT HAVE MUCH TIME!” Flyer shouted since the crowd was really loud. Fuzzball and Scar quickly went to the passenger seat and Flyer went to fly the Quetzal. “HANG ON!” Flyer shouted as we took of to the sky. Fuzzball never been in the sky like this before, everyone look beautiful. Except for the corrupted terror birds attack the gate. “THIS IS A LONG RIDE SO BE PATIENT.” Flyer shouted again. “OK.” Fuzzball replied.
“We’re here.” Said Flyer as he landed the Quetzal in front of the hidden cave. Fuzzball woke up from his nap and had no idea how long it was. Scar was already getting of the Quetzal while Fuzzball made sure the Artifact was safe. “Thanks Flyer.” Scar said. Two guards was in front of the doorway. Once we were at the science lab a scientist came to us. “ Well hello, what brings you here.” The scientist Gigantipitichus said. “We’re here to bring the Artifact of Cure do you can make a cure.” Fuzzball replied. “ Well excellent!” The scientist said with a thrill. “Well my name is Puddle.” Puddle said. Then she led us to a lab and putted the Artifact in a machine. “VRACCCOOM.” The machine then maded a green looking potion. “We know what happened at the village so we are trying to pack up before the corrupted comes.” Said Puddle.
“Now listen, go to the flatlands and find a Giga, he’ll guide you.” Puddle said. “You do know what is a Giga right?” Puddle asked Scar and Fuzzball. They both nodded. “Flyer will take you to the flatlands, we are sended a message to your parents saying that you are just on a field trip with your school.” Puddle said. “B-but.” Before Fuzzball could asked how they know his parents Puddle interrupted . “Now hurry, there’s no time to waste.” Puddle said as she escorted them to Flyer. We got on the Qutzal again and we took of into the air. Fuzzball knew he had a worked to save and friends to help him. “We can do it.”
“Hehehe” -
By SandmasterXD
Note: So if you wanted to join a shoutout which I do everything 5 chapters put your name in the Ferox story section and I’ll pick 3 random winners. But I have schools and other things so I might not post chapters everyday. Hope you liked it! Also if you have any ideas post it in the Ferox section too.