ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Taming & KO Tips

How do I tame a king titan? Tips and strategies on taming and knocking out a king titan.
Don't try to forcetame, because it'll still want your soul.
Lets beat his a££ up :
First of al You need 5 meks (one for support and the other for mega mek )
All the other titans
And gigas but i dont recommend it bc they gonna die after the first punch
And if you have friends bring them to
They make the job much easier
How to do it :
The are a few methods that i learned
Using only ice titan and the others bc its deal a lots of damage and whenever its stunned you bring you forest and desert titan and your gigas if you want to damage it most you can
And the other way to transform into mega mek and makes the king titan fight to your other titan to makes him busy and attack him from behind with your mega mek
This is my first tip in dodex
Like if its help (and sorry for grammars mistakes im not good at this Language)
Just kill it with ice,forest titan and a giga army
To tame:
Step one get 500000000 of the best kibble
Step two sacrifice 250 muted gigas olny
Step 3 sneak up behind the king titan
Step 4 relize that you can’t tame it and I wasted years of time
The King titan is the main boss of ark extinction, many people say that if you tame this boss, you can’t leave. Well the reality is… you can
This is simply because the map on extinction has all three arenas located on the map, all titans go to theyre designated spots: ice titan to the snow dome, desert titan to the desert dome, forest titan to the sunken forest. And so on. The player his or herself is able to enter these arenas whenever they please, and exit without restriction
All three titans can be tamed, (via destroying the corrupted nodes on them) and can exit the arena once tamed, whenever you please.
Unless the titan remains untamed, it is restricted from exiting its arena. Even if it tries a automated text box will appear saying: “Titan is being drawn back to the center” center as in “arena” when this happens the titan will also regain health. This is because your supposed to actually fight the boss, instead of taking advantage of its criteria.
Apart from that, every single titan on extinction, is a boss. 3/4 are tameable, the last titan also known as the king titan, or the king of shadows. Is technically “tameable” by the use of commands but regardless of being force tamed, it will try to kill you, and cannot be ridden, while also being unable to exit the arena. So what if you tame the king titan?
Basically nothing happens, the titan will remain hostile and continue to do what every untamed boss does. Kill everything the player has worked for. Apart from that taming him doesn’t affect you, force taming him doesn’t restrict you from leaving, but he can’t exit the arena after you. So yea…
Yes this titan is very strong but there is a kinda problem with the other tameable titans king titan does 4x damage to titans
this boss is an open world arena, so summoning him spawns him in the arena on the map. More specifically the forbidden zone. So if you were to tame said titan, you wouldn’t be restricted from exiting the arena. However the titan itself IS restricted from leaving, and upon reaching the edge of the arena, the message prompted onto the screen reading “Titan is being drawn back to the center” where he makes a B-line straight toward where he spawned. He also regenerates his health. Same with all of the other titans, unlike the king titan, once tamed the other three titans are free to exit the arena whenever you please. This is only because the king titan never was meant to be tamed, the only way to do so is through the use of commands. But again since it was never meant to be tamed, it still even when “tamed” will actively try to kill you.
*the king titan can be force tamed, but will still actively try and kill you
*The king titan is an open world boss, taming him doesn’t compromise gameplay, although it is pointless considering he still kills you. So force taming him doesn’t mean your stuck forever, as the player can leave the aren whenever, but the boss will keep regening health.
*All titans are restricted from leaving the “arena” unless tamed, excluding the king titan.
Thanks for reading :D
To tame the king Titan go behind it and feed it mejoberries
You must hold up the god of ark the dodo and then it will run scarred and kill its self.
1 cannon 100000 cannon balls 1 quatz 1000000000000000 deaths
Tame a desert,ice, or forest titan and cull the king titan with your titan
Easy mejoberry tame, Crouch so you dont scare it
Shove 9000007285.4 mejoberries in his butthole
You need to sacrifice all your tames, and then try to tame it, realize you can’t because it’s a boss, and then cry because you lost your tames
Even if you forcetame it he will still want to kill you and he’s not rideable so it’s a waste of time
You want too tame it??
The only thing harder than that is a helpful tip needs a few more words
This is not match for the dodo
He on too much drugs he won't even know your his owner
Yeah u can not tame it u can only tame with forcetame
Get ice titan to jump around in front of it and forest titan behind it with everything else u have and desert titan attacking on his head so he can get concussion 🤕 and watch out for when he kneels down u don’t want to know what happens next🫠