Me: Oh look! I’m in the swamp! I’m just gonna walk over to the water and taunt these stupid piranhas. Kaprosuchus: Screw the piranhas imma eat his dude! *jumps out of water at me* Me: “Exit to Main Menu”
Me and my pteranodon we’re flying over a swamp but I wasn’t keeping an eye on the stamina so he went down into the swamp and boom! YOUR PTERANODON WAS KILLED BY KAPROSUCHUS Upvoot for respect
I don’t mind them..........I HATE THEM NOW THEY KILLED MY LVL 600 REX IMA DESTROY ALL OF THEM oh dang these are cute FOCIS I GOTTA KILL THEM ALL awwwww it’s so cute WAIT I GOTTA GET REVENGE FOR DEMON NUGGET 1up =1 rip for demon nugget the Rex
These are a fun tame but at I was looking for one on my raptor i decide to walk across the shallow water only to be absolutely jumpscared. My soul left my body and I run away sacrificing my raptor 😔🙏
these guys are fun to mess around with, just attack a dilo and get your revenge by simply just placing them in water, idk if drowning for dinosaurs exists but either way they’ll get eaten by the level 45 megs 🤷♀️
Walking around Scorched Earth dying of thirst, oh look a watering hole. Is that a mini Sarco swimming towards me? " You were killed by lvl 1 Kaprosuchus"