I don’t mind them..........I HATE THEM NOW THEY KILLED MY LVL 600 REX IMA DESTROY ALL OF THEM oh dang these are cute FOCIS I GOTTA KILL THEM ALL awwwww it’s so cute WAIT I GOTTA GET REVENGE FOR DEMON NUGGET 1up =1 rip for demon nugget the Rex
Me and my pteranodon we’re flying over a swamp but I wasn’t keeping an eye on the stamina so he went down into the swamp and boom! YOUR PTERANODON WAS KILLED BY KAPROSUCHUS Upvoot for respect
Walking around Scorched Earth dying of thirst, oh look a watering hole. Is that a mini Sarco swimming towards me? " You were killed by lvl 1 Kaprosuchus"
These are a fun tame but at I was looking for one on my raptor i decide to walk across the shallow water only to be absolutely jumpscared. My soul left my body and I run away sacrificing my raptor 😔🙏