ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Stories Tips

What are some stories about the kaprosuchus? Memorable kaprosuchus stories, wild encounters, and fan fiction.
I tamed one it’s a funny story so me and my brother were going to the swamp I was on my bird and my brother was in the birds talons and a Kaprosuchus jumped out of nowhere and then it grabbed my brother out of my birds talons and my brother punched him in his nose and he died a lot but the Kapro had it and collapsed and then I tamed it
Well, I managed to tame a level 12 with just raw meat, and leveled it up to level 20, now, it was time to test it’s skills. It managed to kill five Sarcos, two Rexes, one Allo, a Brontosaurus, and then died to a Theri.. I was just shocked. For vengeance I went back out and killed the Theri myself, luckily I bred him before that and got a level 15 out of it.
R.I.P JellyBean Death-Trap. ^^;
Bruh I got SO obsessed with these I became a breeder... next thing you know I've got a fortress under a waterfall next to the swamp wit 18 KAPROS just wandering my base, then someone came to raid me and the funniest thing happened, he shot ONE of them, then all 17 lunged so hard at him that HIS FRIKIN game CRASHED like, when u shoot my brethren the Kapros be like:
A true story that showed love, honor, and bravery
Just a while ago I had just tamed a Kapro, but this Kapro was like no other, I had named him Cracker, Cracker always stood by my side and saved me from dangerous threats attempting to slay Cracker, me and my other creatures...Cracker was very lonely and had no other friend other than me, The Spit Squad/My Dilos, and a few dodos so I got him a special friend... A Sarco!!! I named the sarco Butter. Cracker and Butter became great friends! We would go on hunts and kill raptors and bezubuffos, but one day Butter was stuck in between two terrain rocks which I can’t break, so me and Cracker when on without Butter to get meat,but just then a baryonx came out of the river and started attacking Cracker fought hard and killed the baryonx but sadly he perished in battle. I found his item bag but only his saddle was in there. I kept the saddle for rememberence of my best friend. I named many things after Cracker. Cracker lies in the grave to be remembered 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳~ Every one up is one respect ,love, and rememberance for Cracker
It's almost laughable how easy it is to tame this thing. Me and a friend have a server and we died, we were pretty bored so we just respawned the swamp area somewhere next to that big mountain, we found one of these things so we just started beating it with our fists. And it was knocked out, then we just needed to give it meat. Later when we got a tapujara we went back and used a crypopod we got from a raptor Claus drop to take it home
The Obelisk
I’m so sorry guys! It took me several days to figure out exactly how I’m going to write this chapter, and trust me, it was a very tough script to go through. But it’s here now!
-Chapter 61- (*More Among Us music*)
The young Carnotaur fell back, crashing into the dirt with a thud.
“NEVER talk back to me!!” His father bellowed. He turned to leave, looking furious.
Panting, the small gray-green juvenile lay his head back onto the ground. His body ached from the blow and his tail looked bruised. He sighed and decided it’d be best to just rest there for a minute. Maybe an hour.
The young Carnotaur opened one eye. His little sister stood beside him, blinking large green eyes his way. “Are you OK?”
“Yep,” Basil said, lifting his head to look at her.
“Why did Dad kick you?”
“Oh,” Basil glanced behind her to see the clay-brown shape of their father in the distance. “Just a little mad at me, that’s all.”
“You said that last time,” His sister mused, her tail waving like it always did when she was deep in thought. Basil admired her intelligent, daring personality. He loved his sister. Little Spark had so much potential.
Basil nudged her comfortingly with his head. “I’m not Fathers favorite carnivore,” he explained to her softly. “Or Mothers, for that matter.”
Basil and Spark had lived here their whole lives, and some humans Ruins. It was located just south of the Broken Meadows, it’s view overlooking the forest and beach beyond. It was a rather benign place for a group of Carnotaurs to live, but at least it was safe.
Basil struggled to a sitting position and glanced up at the sky. Streaks of purple and dark blue faded into sight as the sun sunk below the oceans horizon, letting it’s bright reign end for the day.
Stars twinkled into view as the sky darkened. Spark turned and gazed at the night sky with him.
“Brother,” she whispered after a moment,“remember that prey I caught yesterday?”
“Yes,” Basil said. It had been Sparks first kill. Basil had never been so proud, and Sparks expression of pure happiness was something he’d never forget.
“After I killed it…” Spark whispered softly,“where did it go?”
“What?” Basil didn’t understand.
“Like… when they die. Where do they go?”
Basil struggled to think of an answer. “I don’t know.” He said finally.
Spark ducked her head. “Alright.”
“I’m sorry Spark. I really just—hadn’t thought of that before.” He nuzzled Sparks neck with the top of his snout. “But… if they do go somewhere… I bet it’s really great.”
Spark didn’t answer. She just stared at the flashing stars, her eyes sparkling, and they sat like that for the rest of the night.
Four weeks later…
Things didn’t get any better for Basil at the ruins. Father was always fighting him, insulting him or insisting to Mother (at moonhigh, when they thought Basil was asleep) that they get rid of him.
Mother never did the things Father did to Basil. She was much smarter than Father and, although they agreed on almost everything, she persisted that their offspring be kept alive.
Despite her intelligence, Mother was careless. She never spoke or paid any attention to her son and daughter. Apparently, she also despised other species. She was the kind of carnivore that wished Carnotaurs would just take over Fjordur and kill everyone else.
Spark told Basil that Mother and Father may not be the best, but they were still their parents and they should love them. Basil never knew what to say.
Half the time he wished he could just lay down and never wake up again. But he had to stay alive, For Sparks sake. His tiny little sister was turning 1 next week, and she still had so much to learn. Basil vowed he’d take care of her until she could take care of herself.
Spark kept him going through the misery even when he didn’t know it. She needed him, and he needed her.
Basil opens his eyes.
The sun had not yet risen. The scent of fresh morning dew clung to the air around him. He rose to his feet, yawning with a quiet roar. His eyes scanned the Ruins.
Then he realized Mother and Father weren’t there.
Basil took a few steps forward, looking around ever corner of fallen, mossy stone ruins. He sprinted around the willow tree and went to the edge of the cliff, scanning the forest and beach below him. There was no sign of them.
T h a t’ s what mother and father were planning last night, Basil thought.
He heard tiny footsteps behind him, but did not turn. Spark looked up at him, then down to the terrain below. “Where Mom and Dad?”
Basil was still staring out at the crashing waves on the sandy beach far, far away.
They left. Their own parents left them to survive on their own.
A tiny smile appeared at the sides of his mouth. “They’re gone, Spark.”
He’d never been so thrilled.
Before i tamed two female Kapros, they were both very good friends and were females i watched them hunt and decoded to tame them. They were so funny because they’d launch themselves in attempt to kill prey Slytherin and slamdunk bff’s.. Slytherin died today because of a therizino and it was a tough battle i feel horrible being there nearly killing us all. In memory of Slytherin a great fighter died December 7 2020.
The raptors of ark chapter 1 I’m starting a series! Enjoy!
Drake opened his eyes for the first time. Followed by his brother willow, and his sisters Julia and Ruby. They were baby raptors, getting introduced into a endless universe, this is where it starts 4 baby raptors and an entire island. It was night time but they could hear the sound of dodos and dilophosaurus off in the distance.
Next story will be in the snail section!-guy
The house of madness
Chapter twenty six: a small family reunion.
Jay and Sylvia appeared close to a little town. Jay limped along beside Sylvia. “Why did you do that? We need to go back and get them. They’re my siblings Sylvia!” Jay exclaimed. Sylvia sighed. “Jay…their probably gone now and besides the team is too powerful. We need help taking down Tom. We can’t do it by ourselves.” Sylvia said gently. Jay sighed. “Fine. Where are we anyway?” Sylvia shrugged. “Just a tiny city that was built on the ruins of a old city that was destroyed. We’re stopping to rest here for the night. Hopefully someone here is willing to let us stay with them.” Sylvia replied. They traveled until they came to a small farmhouse a little but apart from the rest of the houses. Sylvia knocked on the wooden door. There was silence for a minute. Then they heard heavy footsteps walking toward the door. Slowly the door creaked open. A man with short black hair with tiny white stripes running through parts of it, blue eyes, and a weary, wrinkled with age face opened the door. “Hi. Do you mind if we stay for the night? My…friend here hurt himself and we need a place to stay for the night. The man sighed. “I guess.” He said in a gruff voice. “I’m Cole Greyson and who are y’all?” The man asked. “I’m Sylvia Lestrange.” Said Sylvia. “And I’m Jay Peterson.” Jay said. Cole’s gaze turned dark as he stared at Jay as if he recognized him, then shook his head. “Come in.” They walked in. It was a quaint little home with old furniture and antiques. A German shepherd lay at the fireplace. It watched them calmly and wagged it’s tail friendly. “There’s a bedroom down the hall that y’all can use. I’m going to prepare supper.” Cole said. They walked down the hall to their room.
Cole entered the kitchen and walked over to the telephone. He dialed a number slowly. After a few rings the telephone clicked. He picked it up. “Hello. Yes I have them. Yes I’m sure! I can tell a Riddle a mile away,….the boy looks a lot like his father. They’re staying for the night, when can you be here? Tonight? Good. I’m tired and I don’t need more mouths to feed.”
“Wow. This is really good!” Sylvia complimented Cole. Cole nodded. “Thank you.” They sat in awkward silence as the finished their food. Cole seemed to ignore Jay most of the time. He didn’t seem to like him at all. Finally they finished their food. Jay and Sylvia took the plates back into the kitchen. “Hey Cole goodn-” Jay began but then stopped when he saw the people standing next to Cole. A woman with red hair up in a ponytail and white milky eyes, a man with blonde hair and brown eyes, a older woman with black hair and purple eyes, and a man about Jay’s age with black hair and brown eyes. Actually he looked almost identical to Jay. “Emma?! Andrew?!” Jay exclaimed looking at the woman with red hair and the man with blonde hair. Emma smiled gently. “Jay.” She replied. Jay ran over and hugged her. “Where were y’all? I’ve been looking everyone for y’all! And who are they?” Jay asked. “That is Nala…” Andrew said, motioning to the older woman. “…and this is Jack. I’m surprised you don’t recognize him.” Jay’s gaze turned dark as he gazed at his twin brother. Jack sighed heavily and ran his fingers through his long black hair. “Trust me I didn’t want to come here either but they made me.” Jack said. Jay turned away from him and back to Emma and Andrew. “So why are y’all here?” Sylvia asked. “To defeat Tom.” The woman named Nala said, a glimpse of pity in her eye.
To be continued…..
The next book coming soon! I hope y’all have been enjoying this series so far!
Protectors of Pandora
Chapter 56 ~the plot~
Frozt slowly walked towards the group, “I’d take out my revenge right now… but the boss wants you. Alive..” she said. “Ha! Doing someone else’s work I see, not much of a Queen.” Ron said. She snarled at him, “WHAT DO YOU KNOW! he’s not my king! I will be Queen of this Ark, and all others! he is just another tool, just like all the others.” Frozt said. The group heard the other feroxes snarling behind them, they had gotten unstuck and were gaining. “Let me guess, your boss is…… The Dragon!!” Ping said. “Ping.. we killed him, it’s obviously Salizar…” Ron said. “Oh right.” Ping said. “ENOUGH! will you come quietly, or do my minions have to tear you apart first.” Frozt snapped. “Fine…” Charles said. “Good.” She escorted them to a supply drop and loaded them in.
They reached the starlit sanctuary and Frozt put them in some sort of tek cryo cube prisons, they couldn’t move but they could see, the cubes were on wheels and Frozt rolled them through multiple hallways and corridors, the starlit sanctuary looked normal, other than the lime green lighting. “Hellloo hostages!” Salizar said smugly as they entered the room. They looke do at him, he had ditched the cloak and his old mask, and replaced them with a cybernetic eye and tek armor, except the tek armor had small hexagonal discs covering it. “Slzr.. wht hv y dn wt th thrs!” Ron said. “What was that? Couldn’t hear you through the cube, my own invention in fact.” Salizar said. “I dnt gv a-” Richard started, but Salizar cut him off saying, “Frozt, can you melt their heads hmm?” He said. “I thought you wanted them alive!” Frozt said shocked. “Not with lava you idiot! Melt the cytogenetic tek off of them!!” Salizar snapped. She did so and everyone took a breath, Quan immediately shouted, “FREEDOM, YOU SHALL PAY FOR IMPRISONING QUAN IN ICE FOWL APE!!!” “Not him..” Salizar said, Frozt refroze his head. “I’ll.. say it… again.. what have you done with the others!” Ron said. “Actually the others are doing much better than you, I honestly did not expect such a bold move from Caesar, Chopping off his own arm!! And dying in the process! (They gasped) Ha priceless! If only that wretched oasisaur hadn’t revived him..” Salizar said. The group was relieved by the last statement. “Oh don’t worry Caesar will die, just not yet. So are you going to go to your cells? Or would you like to hear my master plan? Hmm? I know you love a good monologue Ronald.” Salizar said. “I do not..” Ron said. “Even better!” Salizar said. “Oh PLEASE JUST SHUT UP!” Richard said, he quite disliked Salizar. “Frozt can you.. (she refreezes Richards head) thank you.” He said, “Now! where were we.” Salizar said. “You were about to give away your entire plan..” Charles said. “Ah yes, the plan is simple really, you see the humans found element, and the idiots destroyed their planet with it, so they sent these ARKs up into the atmosphere, so that later they can land and heal the human world. My plan, is to.. not do that. I’ll use the ARKs defenses and make them target all the humans! Once they are finally extinct we will ditch their dying planet, and create our own.” Salizar said quite pleased with himself. “How will you make a new world?!” Evelyn said. “Well it’s simple really, just a bit of reprogramming and some work using the outer ARK repair drones, and I can make all the ARKs connect together, then eventually with enough tampering I’ll build tunnels between them, it will be a paradise! One I’ll rule.. with the help of my barons of course” Salizar said gesturing towards Frozt. “You can’t just wipe out the entire human race!” Ron said. “Why not?” Salizar said. “Because that’s insane! And there’s no way we’ll accept your rule!” Charles shouted. Salizar laughed hysterically, “oh you think you’ll still be alive? Oh no.. oh no no no no! Caesar and all his associates have no place in my new world.” He said. “Boss, we have a problem.” Frozt said. “What did I tell you about interrupting FROZT!” Salizar said. “But- the Hades group has just killed their guardian, they’re in the halls! And the jungle group is marching to their terminal!” She said. “It won’t matter, they’ve already lost.” Salizar said. “How have we lost you haven’t even enacted your master plan yet!” Ron said. “Oh really? No the countdown for human extinction is already started, in 12 hours, I will finally be rid of humans, and as for the merging protocol, it’s already begun.” Salizar held up his arm and a hologram protruded from it, revealing the three ARKs, their control towers were completely fused into a hexagonal base, and then he zoomed out, showing them the other arks slowly drifting towards them. Salizar laughed and said, “Like I said, I’ve already won.”
I was taming a Dimetrodon to be put to use as an incubator. I was with my level 70 Spinosaurus (its name is Sailsaurus because it has the massive sail on its back and I thought it would be a cool name). Suddenly, a Kaprosuchus leaps out of nowhere at me. It grabbed me and started running off with me in its mouth. Luckily, Sailsaurus was on neutral and killed the Kaprosuchus, saving my life. Unluckily, in Sailsaurus’ mad frenzy to kill the Kaprosuchus, it also killed the Dimetrodon that was being tamed right there. RIP Mini Sailsaurus. One up is one F for Mini Sailsaurus because of the stupid Kaprosuchus.
The Swamp- Chapter 3
Everyone knew what happened to those who ventured too deep into the redwoods. There were birds and bears and who know what else. Going in would be a death sentence. Coming out would be a miracle.
But as more humans built their bases in the swamps, Nox and the other Kapros had been forced back. Now, they were at almost constant odds with the birds and even their human riders.
Roughtooth snarled. “The humans made those birds take Cutter.”
“Well, we don’t know that for sure.” Pouncer replied.
“Those birds has saddled but no riders. They must’ve been tame.”
The tall trees hid more secrets than they could have expected. Archaeopteryx glided in the canopy. Gallimimus ran amok. And big horned dinosaurs bullied them all.
The birds were nowhere to be seen. But Nox could have sworn he saw a beak flash by in the bushes.
A growl sounded from behind. Nox turned around to see a large mammal barging towards them. The Thylo was right upon them when...
The Swamp- chapter 2
When Nox got back to his home under a small overhanging rock, everyone glared at him.
Well, both of them. Roughtooth and Roughtooth’s friend Pouncer.
“What’s the matter?” Asked Nox, flinging his kill at them.
“Wimp.” Muttered Roughtooth.
“Hey, I got two humans.” Said Nox innocently.
“Yeah, but they’re just humans. Hairless gigantopithecuses.”
Roughtooth looked concerned. About what? The snakes and the frogs and the bears- well, they hadn’t come near the kapro’s territory in months.
“The mauling birds got Cutter.”
The birds! Those bipedal menaces usually kept hidden in the redwoods. But every now and then...
“If you had been there, we would’ve fought them off. But you were galavanting around the swamp chasing monkeys!”
Nox was stunned. It wasn’t his fault. It really wasn’t!
But the birds had taken too much from Nox. Cutter was his closest friend.
It was time to fight back.
Im Here To Tell You a Story About larry the crocodile on steroids.
So i was playing on the island one day and decided to head to the swamp, where i met Larry, he saw me as food and pounced at me, i had tranq darts however and went fast asleep. After he woke up he was tamed, i named him larry, we adventured all over the map together, then one day the servers buildings and dinos were wiped, and all i had left Was Larry, so i decided what i would do. I would fight every boss on the island in honour of my fallen dinos.and i started the grind for the necessary items for the boss.
So remember when I said Larry Was on steroids? He was. ON WAY TOO MUCH HECKIN STEROIDS, so i fought the dragon, Larry Made Quick Work Of Him, i then continued to fight the broodmother, Larry annihilated her, then i fought the M O N K E, larry only used 1% of his power and won
Then i found myself standing outside the gates to the overseer, i knew that once we went in, only 1 would return, so i ventured down the cave, defeating everything that came my way, and then i saw it, the overseer, the final Boss, larry annihalated that thing in like 1 minute tho so it was Time to pay my respects, i Looked At Larry And Waved him goodbye... I never saw him again.
The End
The Swamp- chapter one
Nox looked up from his kill to see two humans advancing towards him with pikes. He glowered and raced off. The metal weapons they wielded were very dangerous. Scampering away like a dilo, Nox heard the human’s voices.
“He’s a lot more wimpy than any kapro I’ve ever seen.”
Oh, you’ve had it. Thought Nox as he viciously sprang up onto the humans. Their screams echoed, mixing in with the hot swamp air.
“Nice kill.” Said Roughtooth, Nox’s older brother.
Nox dragged the two humans away. Roughtooth has been half sarcastic. So I’m a wimp. Thought Nox. I’ll show them.
The Swamp- Chapter Nine
On a cliff overlooking the green obelisk zone, Sunny rested. “This is a long journey,” she panted. “I don’t know if I can make it.”
“Come on, we’re almost there.” Kai took out binoculars. “Looks like a therizino on that ridge and snakes below. We better be careful.”
“What are you doing here?” Roared a Rex, two Yutys backing him up. “This is our territory!”
The Yutys bit and clawed with determination, but Sunny dodged and flew high up. The Yutys walked away, but the Rex kept roaring until it was lost in the cacophony that what ensuing in the swamp.
“When the Serpenthorns took your friend, they injured me in the process. I had tried to rescue him.” He pulled up his shirt to reveal a deep scar on his side. “I knew then I had to rescue him because he saved me. He jumped in front of me. Instead of a broken skull, I just got a scar. I had to repay him. He was injured when they took him away.”
Nox looked up at Kai in awe. It was time to save Cutter.