I was walking along and heard screeching and dodo noises…
I was walking along and heard screeching and dodo noises and when I saw a dodo surrounded by raptors,i hopped on my trex and killed the Raptors and saw the poor dodo unconscious,I though wondered how so I hopped off and gently took a tranq arrow off his wing."Wait,I didnt tranq him,if I didnt tranq him then...WHOS THERE?!".Turning around I saw a tribe with fury in their eyes and then their leader walked up and said "That dodo is my food,and you killed my raptors with your fists?" I looked at him in disbelief then called up my Rex pack and replied "Lies,I did not kill them with my fists, my rex did and this dodo is not your prey,its your friend,I will not let you do this to it".The lead with fury pulled a arrow back and pointed at my Chestplate and released. "Moran" I said still standing "I'm wearing Diamond armor,have you not noticed that" He said takeing the arrow out of his chestplate and letting his trex pack kill them.Looking at the dodo who woke up,he saw it was wounded,and he fed it food and water,then picked him up and hopped onto his trex,whistling his trexes to follow,he went to his base and fixed the dodos injured wing then he heard a massive Roar,he turned his head to the side and saw a Giga rearing and roaring loudly,but it didnt effect him,on the giga was a group of poeple stareing at him with a scope and-
Next episode on here when I reach 10 and up likes!