I used to have a dilo, it’s a lvl 30-40 dilo, and i named it coconut, it helped me fight raptors and other bad dudes, but it died from this GOD DANG THING CUZ ITS RANGE IS SO BIG, without coconut, I was defenceless, even my peachy died. 1 up = support for coconut
I accidently hit a bronto while trying to hit a dilo, and it wiped out a para and and pterdon, each with 2 shots. Luckily, I was on single player and it didnt save properly, so neither died. That day I moved away from the brontos.
Breed them and name the baby little foot. Then unclaim the mother and kill it with a Rex named big tooth. Then give the baby bronto a baby trike and ptera as friends. Well done, you’ve recreated the land before time