ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
Tips & Strategies
If you have high enough health, you can tame one from that alone
More Bloodstalker Taming & KO Tips
You 110% need bug repellent, tried taming these and every time I got targeted by bugs and they would ruin everything.
If you have your menu out while taming, bugs will not spawn to kill you.
Tamed a 121lev 140 blood packs
Dont need to put blood bags in any slot. They'll eat them straight from your inventory.
Be warned that multiple swarms will come an interupt your taming process knocking you loose an you'll fall an possibly die. So bring help.
Just tame a lot of low level parasaurs theyβll give you 100% taming efficiency better than blood packs
1. Taming efficiency is going to be quite low during tame and in order to fix that, you need to sacrifice some tames to it
2. Other Bloodstalkers may try to grab you while your already being succ'd, in order to stop that, kill all other Bloodstalkers in the visible area
3. To stop Insect Swarms from interrupting your taming, open your inventory during the taming process, they for some reason don't detect you with your inv open
4. Bring a parachute just in case you are dropped for some reason
5. When he is tamed, only use him to get around and only level Stamina and Health. He is a garbage fighter and if his health gets low, he will start eating you and will kill you but in order to stop yourself from dying, put blood packs in your inv, he will eat those instead until his health is normal again
6. They can be breeded but be warned, when they have an egg, you cannot pick up the egg because it becomes attached to the ground
Have fun and good luck taming a Bloodstalker
If raising babies. Use bloodbags. They eat raw meat like a giga practically. Meat=10 food blood pack=200 food. Hope this helps
The trick I used for high level ones, and you won't find this anywhere cause I have searched for weeks myself...., is high level phiomia. They have the best effective tame % and it is hp based. So leave them cryo'd then level hp before sacrificing them to stalkers. Sacrifice them while using cactus broth. They'll never grab you. Once it's 100% efficiency, get naked & get grabbed with blood in your inventory. After that it's a simple ghillie/bug repellant. Don't use cactus broth during that part or they'll instantly disconnect. Figuring all of this out made taming easy as all get out. Nooblets video is dead wrong on certain aspects, so if you watched that, forget most of it. Basic kibble tame Phiomia. It's worth it. No other comment on here mentioned any of this. Time efficiency and effectiveness, this is the absolute best way to tame them.
1127 bloodbags for a level 145 on 1x rated
Imma try to tame one wish me luck