-The Redwoods Spirit-CHAPTER2
-The Redwoods Spirit-CHAPTER2
The thylacoleo jumped branch to branch while Aki would scream in fear “ M-MA MA!!” Freya would hear the loud, echoing screams of her son and would quickly drop the chitin and followed the sound “MA MA!!” Aki would scream some more, Aki would then hear the thylacoleo mumble something about weather and revenge “LET GO OF MY SON!!” Freya would yell before quickly clinging onto the Thylacoleos back and biting/nipping it before getting bucked off by the thylacoleo shaking, falling off the tall redwoods branch, injured though alive “I- help m-me..” Freya would try to yell but the impact from the ground was so strong it severely injured one of her ribs making it hard to yell, she would then notice a passing by raptor *Freyas mind: this is the end for me..* “Oh dear heavens! What happened to you!” The raptor would yell rushing towards Freya “I- I-..” Freya would try to respond but couldn’t, she passed out..
“Ugh.. w-where am I..” She would wake up in a dark, rocky cave before looking at 2 beaming yellow eyes standing right above her “Ur awake!! Oh my I actually saved someone!!” The raptor would say happily while bouncing up and down “yea yea, it’s not that exiting July” A raptor would reply while walking into the cave “SHUT UP JERALD! I NEED TO HELP THEM!!” July would yell while a loud echo would be heard from the cave while Freya covered her ears with her small, sharp clawed hands “hm? Oh dear! I’m so sorry, did that hurt ur ears??” July would ask while looking at the Archaeopteryx “No No, it’s fine..” Freya would reply “What did you save anyway?” Jerald would say shoving July to the side “Oh these things.. I hate them..” Jerald would mumble “A Archaeopteryx, there pretty rare, u can see why you would save it” Jerald would exclaim pretending like he didn’t mumble anything “See? Now shoo! I need to help her!” July would tell Jerald before he left
*Few days later*
**Snoring..** “Wake up!” The thylacoleo would yell “AHH!!” Aki would scream tumbling off a thin redwoods branch before getting caught by the thylacoleo, “Carful, it’s a thin branch, if you fall the impact will kill you” the thylacoleo would say before dropping a piece of meat infront of Aki “Gross!!” Aki would say before turning his head and spitting his tounge out
from: Penny