Hey everyone, nice seeing what type of stories were released today! Let’s see…

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Hey everyone, nice seeing what type of stories were released today! Let’s see…

Take as many breaks as need be Angel.

Sylveevee, if you’re writing your story on mobile device, there should be a setting to disable autocorrect entirely (on your settings app, depending on which device you are using). Hope that helps!

PrimalApex, WOAH your Prologue for Ultimus was really cool! First of all, cool story name, “Ultimus” sounds super menacing. Also it’s really cool how it’s a story revolving around the Extinction DLC!!! I always thought that was the coolest one. I remember I was so excited to fight the King Titan (with cheats), I even recorded it for my little brother because he was going out and wouldn’t be able to join. But there’s a lot I’m intrigued about, the backstory, and everything! It all seems so unique, who is this guy? Also it’s very sad he has to bury his friend Reuben. Now he’s alone, the “Last Man on Earth”. Super cool story so far, and if I may ask how much have you got finished? Have you always been working on this or is this recent?

SandmasterXD your new story is also pretty cool! At first I thought it would be like one of those war stories, but there’s probably going to be dinos, right? The ending sentence seems to suggest so. I think it wasn’t too boring as it helped develop the setting and the mood, and of course the characters which is always cool.

Chapter 33 is coming soon it’s 80% done. By the time you see this message it’ll probably already be finished.

Alright anyway I’ll see you later. Fun talking!

PS: SunnyFox, PrimalApex I did notice Dododex went down, I think. It didn’t load in for me either. Also Warren is not a detective he is a Deputy Sheriff, just to clear confusion as they’re very different. Maybe you got it confused with Darren, who is the detective. I don’t think you need to respond though. I have a feeling someone else will cover for him ;)

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