Whoever this Ben figure is, I think it's okay that you need to step away and think.
Whoever this Ben figure is, I think it's okay that you need to step away and think. If you ever need support, post a comment under Funny on the Basilisk.
I don't know who you are, but I support you. I am a fellow storywriter. I also have a YouTube channel called GalaxyDragon124. I will release a YouTube Short for you at 7 PM, EST for the US on November 14, 2023. I know that you must feel down in the dumps. Sometimes we all just need to press the metaphorical pause button and think. It's okay if you need to leave for a while. I'm sure everyone will understand. If you like stories, I will just ask that, whenever you get a chance, to read my Origins stories on Aberration creatures, Extinction creatures, and the Manticore. Take a break. Think. Sincerely,
---Bob The Survivor, God Of The ARKs---