ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion


Manticore Tribute (Gamma)
- ×2 Fire Talon
- ×2 Poison Talon
Manticore Tribute (Beta)
- ×10 Fire Talon
- ×10 Lightning Talon
- ×10 Poison Talon
Manticore Tribute (Alpha)
- ×20 Fire Talon
- ×20 Lightning Talon
- ×20 Poison Talon
Tips & Strategies from the iOS & Android apps
Ladies and gentlemen. Overseer beaten alpha, manticore beaten yesterday alpha. Abbreviation here I come.
I joined a random server and found the arena and then a tribe with Rex’s and stuff summoned it I sneaked in behind them they lost but I managed to kill it by looting the dead bodys 😂
STOP SAYING REXES, wyverns are the way to go because you can attack him even when he is not landed and the death worms cannot do anything to you.
Heres a tip FOR ALL THE PEOPLE SAYING YOU CAN FORCETAME IT IN THE ARENA- if u go into the bosses arena and forcetame it.... you'll be stuck there forever bc the boss gotta die in order for u to leave. :)
Every boss even the manticore is weak to the command called ForceTame
Bring around 6-7 or more rexs and when it lands everyone get around it and trap it. Deathworms will come and knock u back but just keep moving forward slowly so u dont get pushed out. Even when the rock golems come don't stop hitting it. Goodluck boys :)
How to spawn a manticore: SummonTamed “Manticore_Character_BP_C” 100
Change the number to change the lvl :)
When fighting the manticore a good strategy is bring in high level Rex's with good saddles and circle the manticore it then becomes pinned allowing you to kill it without it flying all around .... watch out for the poison it shoots at you though it will kill you off your mount like the poison wyvern ..
Call the greeks to tame this beast
It's low on hps when golems come
Carryable By

Affected By

Can Damage

Fits Through

The Manticore is a boss in Scorched Earth.
Translations: مانتيكور, Manticora, Σφίγγα, Mantícora, Manticore, מנטיקור, Мантикора, Manticora, マンティコア, 만티코어, Мантикора, 狮身蝎尾兽, 獅身蠍尾獸.