ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Regular Kibble
Regular Kibble

- Cook Time
- 30s
- Spoils In
- 3d
- Weight
- 0.1
- Stack Size
- 100
- Food
- 16
- XP
- 1
Regular Kibble is used to tame the Angler, Ankylosaurus, Baryonyx, Beelzebufo, Carbonemys, Carnotaurus, Dimetrodon, Diplodocus, Doedicurus, Gigantopithecus, Ichthyornis, Kaprosuchus, Kentrosaurus, Lymantria, Pelagornis, Pteranodon, Pulmonoscorpius, Purlovia, Sabertooth, Sarco, Stegosaurus, and the . To make Regular Kibble, combine Medium Egg, Cooked Meat Jerky, Longrass, Savoroot, Fiber, and Water in a Cooking Pot. Start the fire and cook for 30 seconds. It spoils in 3 days.
Scorpions don't lay eggs for kibble anymore so should be remove from the list of who eggs you can use, like this comment so everyone can know and not waste their time taming them
Scorpion eggs DO work. Making regular kibble now an its taking them. Up to update
Instead of trying to remember all the different egg sizes and what they make or combing through your fridges while looking at the app, just read the egg description. It says provides simple nutrition, regular nutrition, exceptional nutrition etc. Which corrosponds with regular kibble, exceptional kibble and so forth.
Tame low level turtles and you need a medium crop plot to grow the veggies
I like catching terror birds for the eggs. They produce them pretty quickly. Get 1 make and a bunch of females I find they are like large angry dodos.
First, of you wanna get eggs faster for the kibble. I suggest taking and oviraptor and get one male, as mate-boosted creatures lay eggs faster!. Stay safe kiddos.
I just found out so far that the maewings lays basic to exceptional eggs so tame one of these then you can have all types of eggs without needing a mate
To everyone asking why a the biggest seagull in existence lays the same egg as a diplodocus. I find that it is based off of difficulty to tame not size.
How is the troodon egg as big as a diplo
Iguanadons are they easiest early game tame and their eggs can be used for regular kibble, best way for lower level players to get ready for mid game harvesters.
Thorney dragon eggs don't seem to work for kibbles anymore
Cooked jerky is very hard to get so I hope they change that because most of are pterandons babies need it! And sorry if I don't spell the dinos name right!
I find the best way are turtles and if you live on herbivores island on the island ankylo is the best
Why is a ichtyornis egg bigger than a parasauras? Sorry about the spellings errors
To get this early game, tame turtles.
If like the old kibble syestyem I hope your pillow is hot as hell tonight
Scorpions did lay eggs and still do
Scorpions are a simple tame using spoiled meat. 1 male and 4 females is my usual set up.
How are diplo eggs medium?
How come a seagull has the same sized egg as a diplodocus?