The Omega Timeline

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The Omega Timeline

Chapter 3: Dream Come True - by Ben

Part 1/2

By the time they were beginning to reach the staircase to the mansion, the five had begun to slow down. Neddy was out of breath, heaving heavily while they were making their way to the ‘entrance’.

“Wow, that was a good run,” Neddy said, perspiration accumulating on his forehead. He put his hands on his hips, and gawked at the sheer size of the staircase.

“That certainly is quite a lot to tread,” Samuel stated. Ruby rubbed the back of her head, and looked onward skeptically.

“How will we even know we’re gonna get the answers to this place up there? What if… someone lives there? Wouldn’t that be trespassing?” Ruby asked. Aurora snickered and put her foot on the step. It began to glow a heavenly white.

“We’ll just have to kick ‘em out.”

Aurora began to walk up the stairs, and Star rolled her eyes. She hopped onto Samuel’s shoulder, and Samuel began to follow her. Ruby looked at Neddy, shrugged, then also followed suit. Neddy groaned, and he meekly began to clamber up the stairs.

A hundred steps later, and the flapping of wings filled the air. Neddy’s implant glowed for a quick second, before fading away, and they all looked up in awe to see a large dragon with a light blue and white color scheme flying toward the mansion. It began to circle around the island, before landing behind it. Following it were two smaller looking dragons with feathers protruding out of their bodies. Another weird-looking creature that couldn’t be described followed.

“DRAGONS!” Aurora gasped.

“Guys, are you SURE this is a good idea to be going up here?” Neddy asked once again, “I mean, what if the dragons live here? They’re gonna be real mad if they see tasty little humans walking up to their doorstep.”

“Look, if you don’t wanna go up, you can wait for us down below,” Aurora said, pointing down at the staircase. Neddy looked down and gulped. The height was a lot taller when a hundred steps above.

“I mean, sure! I’ll go down, I’ll go down,” Neddy replied. He blinked his eyes, and he began to sweat. Ruby reached forward and grabbed his hand. Neddy looked at her with sincerity.

“Don’t worry, we can wait together,” Ruby said with a sly smirk. Neddy smiled back with hooded eyes.

“Sure. Let’s go, Ruby.”

The two began to walk down the stairs together, and Samuel looked back at them with squinted eyes. Star began to laugh, shaking her tail and shutting her eyes.

“I guess it’s just us three now? Surely nothing could go wrong.”


Aurora and Samuel continued to climb the stairs, and when they reached they took their surroundings in. Two streams of water poured from the sides of the island and down below, forming a lake underneath. A garden of bushes and flowers alike filled the air with an aroma of peace and serenity. There was a large Greek symbol that was bolted to the large doors of the mansion.

“The Omega symbol,” Aurora whispered under her breath.

“How’d you know?” Samuel asked.

“I took Greek on the side,” Aurora responded with a romantic smirk. Star rolled her eyes. Samuel took a few steps forward on the quartz path, before stopping at the door. They were a lot larger than your ordinary door, they could span to the top of a house. Samuel grabbed the handle and pulled it with all of his might.


“In we go…” Samuel paused as he gasped at the inside. A large statue of a Dodo was spitting water out of its beak into a fountain in front of them. The floor was made of a clean, white quartz, and there was a polished staircase to the rest of the levels of the mansion. What lay ahead was a living room with lines and lines of couches, and a gigantic TV that was the size of a wall. A chandelier hung from the top of the mansion.

“Someone’s rich,” Aurora said with stars in her eyes.

“This is amazing,” Samuel stated. He took a moment to look around some more. For a moment, he could feel the stress slip away from his mind. For a moment, he had forgotten his origins.

“No, no this is too good to be true,” Samuel thought to himself, “Right, those dragons! I need to go investigate that, they landed behind right?”

Samuel looked around, but Aurora was already gone.

“Aurora?” Samuel called out.

No response.

“Ugh,” Samuel groaned. Star chirped reassuringly, and Samuel smiled.

“Thanks Star. Now let’s go figure out what those dragons are here for. Maybe they also ended up in the same situation as we did…”

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