I’s gonna find a giant squid do da, do da, hope and pray I don’t get bit, oh de do da day! Oh, tusotuthis! It has gone and hid! You can look in every cranny and nook and ya won’t find this dumb squid!
Please tell me why it says non-violent... Because when it grabs u and eats u alive it's not very non-violent...
Don't be mean, it just wants a hug might kill you but aye at least you made someone's day
If your with a tribe member kock out your tribe mate take his flippers and run
I will kill whoever stole my 1200 black pearls I saved for squids??????????????
This thing just KRACKENS me up.
Yeah ok I'll go
If this gets 4000 tips I’ll give ark an idea cuz I work there
Jack sparrow had a ship called the black pearl that the kraken ate HMMMMMMMMMMMMM
People on ark pc: yes! I got a max mosa now time to get that alpha tuso.
Me on mobile: whats an alpha tuso?
Up for respects to mobile.
Why Yes the taming Process is Non-Violent...
Non-violent on your part.... The Squid can be as violent as it wants....