When you come up to a Tapejara be very slow and Quiet. When you close enough bola it quick before they fly away and they can fly pretty fast. After you can use a cross bow or a bow to knock it out. If it has low health I would not recommend to hit it in the head several times or it will die. Maybe one or two to the head but take like seven seconds before every shot. Usually depending on its level for example around level ten takes about 15-20 meat. Also bring at least 5 necrotics( depending one level) once again 1-10 level should take no more than around 8. Out some spikes around your Tapejara so no Dino’s kill it. The process it not that long once again depending on the level. Every lower level does not take as much. Then you have your very guild able Tapejara. They move left right forward and back and also can hand on to cliffs and trees. I hope this helps and up this tip for more people see how to easily tame a Tapejara! Hope it helped!

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