ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
Tips & Strategies
Its very easy to tame this thing, the hard thing is finding one of these, but when you find it make sure there are no dangerous wild dinos around because they might kill you, to tame it, slowly approach with a bola and when it looks like it will fly away, BOLA IT so it doesnt fly away and just shoot it with tranq arrows or anything that makes it unconcious,
His saddle has 2 extra seats and the passengers can shoot while flying.
To tame a Tapejara is actually, pretty easy, first things first, you will need:
-A saddled flying creature
-At least 3 bolas, in case you miss bolas in him(if you are feeling lucky, you can make only one, but I don't recommend it at all)
-Some Rare Flowers
-Club, Bow or crossbow(with tranq arrows, or else you will kill it)
-A lot of Meat(like, 20-40, only to tame eat, you probably will want more as he will get hungry after tamed), or at least 4-7 Prime Meat
-Narcotics(optional, in case of the Tapejara taking too long to tame, good having some as a backup)
How to do it: when you spot the Tapejara, use the rare flowers and make it aggro you. After that, get to land, exit your mount(recommend to put it to Passive, or your Tapejara will get killed), and bola it. After that, shoot/hit it with tour weapon of choice until you knock it out. Give it the food of choice(recommend also protecting it, as it has a low health and can easily be killed by raptors), and wait until tamed. CONGRATULATIONS, Now you have a Tapejara !! Hope this guide helped
This is my best flying Dino other than the griffin. You should really get this Dino. To tame sneak up behind using gilly suit and bola it then tranj it if available use chain bola it will hold longer
Note if ur mobile don't use rare flowers they won't aggro
Up for noobs to see
This Dino is my favorite on the island for various reasons. First, it can hold 2 passengers, a pilot, and carry another. Second, it is the most maneuverable flyer out there. It can fly sideways, backwards, and can land on vertical surfaces (cliffs, redwoods.) Third, it has a tek saddle, so you can have four dubs on that thing (tek saddle, 2 passengers, and one carried person.)
For anyone who is searching for them like me, i found many of them near the green Obelisk. Hope i can help someone
If they are hiding, and you don't want it getting away, kill all creatures around it, then eat a rare flower. It will come right to you, and when it does, bola it. Hope this helps!
Extremely difficult to tame. Best options are to bola it, and then use a longneck rifle with tranq darts. Otherwise trying to get it to fly into the side of a cliff and get stuff is the other option for a solo tame.
How to tame a tapejara:
1. If female pick up egg /male eat rare flower
2. Bola it
3. Shoot with sleep arrows or hit with fists
4. Feed it meat, prime meat, fish meat or prime fish meat.
(Tamed mine with meat and prime meat)
5. Enjoy your weird pterodactyl (tapejara lol)
Do not leave it uprotected it has extremely low health after you knock it out.
ARRRRRRRGH I just had THE WORST taming experience! Pro tip: DON'T try taming a high level one by dangling from an argy by a grappling hook... You'll end up dying TWICE and losing your argy, guns, and 80 narcotics... >:( :(
1 Like = 1 R.I.P. for Alluring Jr.
Hey Do you think its fair that I spent 3 Hours taming one of these Then got kicked from the tribe and didn’t even get to keep the Tape? Acctual Tip: Bola then tranq it. Super easy