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These apex predators are the most overpowered creature you can use on genesis part 2! They are tamed with fish baskets, the higher the size of the fish, the better the outcome of the tame! The shadowmanes have three attacks and two special abilities, that being the regular bite/clawing attack, the teleport attack, the ultimate, cloaking and pack roar. The shadowmanes are similarly to real lions, in the way that they are gestation breeders, and are found in packs. Best taming method is to use a gillie suit and sneak up on them, and REMEMBER! You need to crouch in-order to tame them! They are also the singular BEST creatures for fighting Rockwell prime, just bring a massive pack of females and males! The males can use a pack roar, as mentioned earlier, and the females can use a pack cloak. And now, survivors, we’ve reached the end of this log! Stay strong, and keep surviving! And for me to make even more of these logs, going through every part of the genesis creatures abilities and other aspects, get this to ten ups, and you’ll have a big amount to read in front of ya!

More Shadowmane Taming & KO Tips