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2 mates on spoons.....clear the area that your shadowmane is in..we clear all trees, and ALL wild or tamed Dino’s other than our spinos....we choose take fish no less than 1.3x in size (level doesn’t matter on official). We wear ghillie full suit. We attempt taming from 9 am game time and stop attempting at 7 pm game time (1900 hours) it WILL hold it’s taming throughout the night for the next day to start where you left off....BE PATIENT, only approach from its back side when It’s laying down with your basket of fish. When I step off the spino at no closer than 27 meters from it, I crouch walk all the way to it, feed it, and turn around and crouch ALL the way back to my spino.....start tracking your tame, keep area clear of Dino’s or trees that glow lets lurk in.... dead Dino’s, or most live Dino’s really mess with this beast!! Keep all live and dead Dino’s harvested within 200 meters of your tame....rinse and repeat the process.... if it looks glitchy, let it walk around for a second.... if it starts jerking or looking like it’s coughing a hair ball, that means there is a Dino somewhere near by!!! Kill said Dino and let the shadowmane relax... hope this was helpful. Just tamed our first one on official pve. Thanks

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