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Sorry to burst your bubbles but this can’t pick up aquatics. I know this because as soon as an aquatic leaves the water it dies and it would be stupid to let it pick up rexes it would be a completely buffed quetzal and give the quetzal less reason to tame also in almost every creature vote wild card only had the creature in the game not the ability’s so the chance it will be able to pick things up is not 100% but since the community would like that it would probably be able to pick up stuff around what the wyvrens can and I don’t think it would be as big as shown it will most likely be tropical wyvren size. Hope you understand that not everything will probably make it into the game and it would be helpful for others to see this as well so they know that not every ability from the vote will make it in most likely so if you could give this tip a like it would help others understand. Thanks if you understand what I’m saying:)

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