ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
Tips & Strategies
Use a direwolf on ark ascended to easily tell when it is below 10% health
More Rhyniognatha Taming & KO Tips
Quick question, do yall know if I can avoid giving creatures cravings and avoid imprints. I want to tame a trike for this creature. But I donβt know if I can get it without the imprints and expensive cravings. Just for a starter rhynio. And will the rhynio be alive and adult. I donβt need it op I just canβt find an argy or a quetz to tame and all the pts on my single player are max level 30.
Not every creature can βeatβ the pheromone that the males drop.. like this tip so Dododex can see and add which creatures can eat it and which ones canβt.
I know some that cannot:
Tek Creatures
Some that can eat:
With more testing we could have it set up fully and implemented into DodoDex
Taming these things are confusing, but I believe I have figured out how they work.
Step 1 is to kill a wild rhynio (can be any gendrr) to get the pheromones, next it is best to make a trap, the best design i know of is basically a stone dino gate griffin trap, but with behemoth gates. Next you want to find a high level wild female rhynio. Think of the level of the rhynio as the taming effectiveness you will recieve 150 being max. Next you need to lower the rhynio to below 10% hp, you can net them to make this easier. Once it is below 10% hp you need a mount with a high drag weight in order to inherit the best stats, carch/giga have best chances. Feed the creature the phermone and mount it. The rhynio should impregnate it within a few seconds. DO NOT CRYOPOD THE DINO IT IMPREGNATED! YOU WILL LOOSE THE BABY! once your tame is impregregnated it will go through a gestation period and ask for cravings. It is important you furfill as many as possible as they have a major effect on the level the offspring will be and the stats inherited. Once the timer is complete your dino will fall unconscious and die, however you will now have a new perfect tame rhynio!
All of the currently known cravings for host creatures include
Giga eggs
Carchars eggs
Quetzal eggs
Golden hesperornis eggs
All kibbles
Shadow steak saute
Fria curry
Enduro stew
Focal chilli
Lazarus chowder
Veggie cakes
Black pearls
Achatina paste
Rhino horns
Ammonite bile
Bee honey
Battle tartar
If you face him try to get close to other dinos he will attack then if he didnβt get on the floor (while your flying) and sometimes he will not attack you if he attacked you gg to your (pt or argy)
Just a quick tip, Now only males will drop pheromones,
Recent patch makes it impossible to tame inside a trap. Need to release it from trap before it will impregnate your dino. I wasted a bunch of pheromones for science
Itβs just came out with the new update.To tame it is kinda like the reaper.But instead of u getting impregnated itβs ur Dino but use a disposable Dino as once it gives birth the creature dies.from my own experience you need to kill one then get its pheromone gland then feed it to I am pretty sure ur creature once u found one u want to tame then find one u want to tame then eat the gland then keep attacking it until it impregnates u then u have to wait for a bit and u need to feed ur dino random things cuz it craves stuff.What I got was black pearls Lazarus chowder and absorant.I think the more u feed it the more older the baby is once it bursts from ur dinos chest then u need to raise it from there
to get a high level it depends on the host dino, the best ones are gigas, carchas, and brontos at the top. and rhynios get stats based on the host. even being said, its not guaranteed the stats such as it might not get the 30 points into health that the host dino had to put it into a example, and another factor is you have to give the host cravings. if not it might not be a max level either, they also dont get the hosts speed stat, their cravins contains: carcha egg, quetz egg, giga egg, golden egg, all the rockwell recipes and i mean all, element, absorbent substrate, black pearls, and gasoline. if helpful punch the sky