ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
Encountering Tips
How do I kill a rhyniognatha? rhyniognatha battling strategies in ARK: Survival Evolved.
Y’all is that thing on survival evolved as well? 👆🏻if yes
This thing just killed me at the south of the Island map(very close to the Easy Spawn area) The moment it got dark and I was trying to get back to base I suddenly caught on weird fire and my dinos are burning. Something is happening. Pitck dark. Aaannd I am dead.
Ooh I cannot wait for this to be added! Able to swim (presumably) fly, and pick up rexes, it seems like an insanely cool mount! Also I'm pretty sure I'm first tip!
They spawn in the swamps on both the island and lost island, (no other maps unfortunately). The swamp up near the flat area and griffin mountain is where they are found on lost island, NOT the jungle. This is considered a late-game tame, and if you do get one of your dinosaurs impregnated, DO NOT cryo it cuz the baby will die. Hoped this helps and happy taming!
Do not try and fight someone if they have this😭💀
It is on console scared me to death
Voidwyrm Vs Rhynio
Melee damage for Voidwyrm
Stamina for Rhynio
Taming creativeness for Rhynio
Speed for Voidwyrm
Carry (entity) weight for Rhynio
Drops when killed for Voidwyrm
Spawn areas for Rhynio
Passenger ct. for rhynio
Advanced movement for Rhynio
Weapon Modes for Rhynio
Ground speed for Rhynio
Water usage for rhynio
Weight for Rhynio
Space controllability is equal
I'd suggest just getting a Rhynio, yeah say goodbye to your favorite tame for a better favorite tame
I am very excited for this to come to ARK! It sounds pretty versatile since it can fly and pick up huge creatures, so it sounds like it can be a mobile taming trap! Not to mention that it also looks awesome, like a moth right out of hell.
U need to kill one in order to TAME one?????
I thought originaly that they spawn only on Lost Island and Island. But i just spotted it on Fjordur. On the swamp island ( somewhere around 45 10)
Hope this helps
Encountering this flying moster while It soars to the sky it's gonna be surreal, we also really needed more threaths in the sky
Ok so I looked at the dossier again the three web abilities are: the slowness goo, coat itself in webs for a defense boost and rapid fire (so I’m guessing like velonosaur) also the dossier did mention carrying things around the base so maybe not rexes but smaller creatures and possibly structures like vaults and smithy’s
Is it out on console? 🦟
I can’t even wait to tame this
Heres how to escape:1 run 2: keep running 3: get shot by its resin 4: scream in fear 5: delete ark 6: get ark. back and repeat the process :7 get killed by a dodo. -a ark user killed by a dodo
Looks so cool! Can’t wait to see what this thing can do in-game
Lvl 20 female impregnated my 406 base level rex, completed 4 feedings. My lvl 92 hatchling has 10,9k hp and 373% melee before imprinting.
They spawn on the island and lost island I wish they spawn on fyordor
First time finding this guy in the swamp the island along with a titanosaur, i thought i was lucky to find 2 rare creature in one place and that helicopter bug was max level,149 i guess.. i was w my max level 298 argy and i didnt know how to tame that bug so i quick search in dex and it said needed to kill it first, well guess what, i got strip naked along with my argy by that damn max lvl bastard, i didnt know he got a few special attack that can make me hard AF😭 so for anyone seeing this natural helicopter,research their tactic first or u will lose all ur precious friend along with ursef
Y’all…. They can swim. And that scares me.