I’m taking a break from ToS (Tribe of Shadows).

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I’m taking a break from ToS (Tribe of Shadows). Had an idea of revamping War of the Mountains (I think that’s what I named it? Can’t remember). Anyways, here’s a few things about the new War in the Mountains (WitM), as I’ve retitled it:

1: The main character is still a raptor, named Pyro after my old tame.

2: It’s going to be really gory. So if you don’t like that kinda stuff, you might wanna leave.

And now, a basic description of this map. The continent is called Arridé. Its human capital is Whitehold, and the ruler is Tyrone Rexclaw. The Raptorian country is dubbed Imperium. The capital of Imperium is Ark’enøs. The subcontinents are the Void Isles to the north, where The Void Wyrn rules the Wyverns, and thus the Void Isles. There are no recorded human tribes on the Void Isles. The subcontinent to the southwest is the Rockdrake Nation, ruled by Lord Ebony. The Rockdrake Nation’s capital is Onyxx. Finally, the eastern subcontinent is the Raptorian Mountains, also called Imperium. Imperium is a massive, heavily forested mountain range with mostly spruce trees. Whitehold is surrounded by plains and rivers, so an excellent choice for hunting. The Void Isles are barren and snowy, though some of them host volcanoes where Fire Wyverns live. The Rockdrake Nation is full of oak trees and metal rocks, making it a valuable area for the daring human settler if they can evade the patrols. My new book is kinda similar to Wings of Fire for the humans, honestly. The Thylacleos own a chunk of land in Imperium, making them, technically, a state. The Thyla ruler is King Saber. The head of the raptors is Empress Shade, Pyro’s mother. Actually, the raptors are split into three clans: The Blades, whom are allied with the Thylas, and are Pyro’s clan. The Blades are ruled by Empress Sahde, Pyro’s aforementioned mother. Next are the Phantoms, allies with the Void Wyrm and his country. The Phantoms are ruled by Governor Talon. And lastly, the Drakons, allied with the Rockdrakes and ruled by Chief Deimos. Now, onto Pyro’s story. Well, just a bit of his background, what he looks like, etc.

Pyro is a red and yellow Blade raptor, and the heir to the Blade Dynasty. (In my old ARK server, the raptor clan was called the Flame Legion). His title is Praetor. Pyro is the son of Empress Shade, and brother of Clawlock and Scorchling. Pyro is an excellent fighter, and surprisingly friendly to other species. One of his drawbacks is he trusts people too much.

Does this sound interesting? Lemme know if it does.


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