Creatures of Nightmares

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Creatures of Nightmares

Chapter 20

Apollo immediately contacted the other four wolves. They all sat down and he told them the new information, and the information he and Astra knew. It took a while.

“Shadow was really a wolf.. and to think.. one wolf had changed his whole life,” Prince said.

“I’m guessing Adira knew him from childhood. They must’ve spent a lot of time together when they were younger. So much time.. that he just relied on her and focused on her,” Pax huffed.

“Exactly. And there’s one more thing.” Apollo said.

All four prophecy wolves looked at him, urging to continue.

“I think Ridley is planning your execution. Tomorrow.”

“How do you know?” Reign asked.

“..Because I heard him as he walked past my room..”

All the wolves were restless now.

“And you heard it just a few minutes ago?” Astra growled to herself. Apollo nodded. “So we should get you two out. I think I could snatch a key from a troop.”

“The dungeon has a lock?” Pax asked.

“..yes. But I suppose you were thrown in too fast to notice.” Apollo answered. “I’m going to get on that.”

And the connection stopped.

“Well that was sudden, wasn’t it?” Reign huffed.


Apollo slipped out of his room and wandered the halls quietly. It was nighttime, a few minutes away from sunrise(lol I just realized the wolves haven’t slept for days) and he saw one certain room. It stood out to him.

He felt as if a dungeon key would be in that room.. though he didn’t know why.

Apollo slipped in and saw a sleeping wolf, then a key.. beside the wolf.

The wolf’s coat was changing from tan to grey to black to brown to white. Apollo sneaked closer to the wolf and one of his claws scratched the floor. He froze in a crawling position.

The sun started rising and he heard a faint voice. “Apollo!”

He slipped out but whispered, “I’ll be back.”

It’s late. I need to sleep. Next chapters will be in…

Ok I actually don’t know what next animal it will be in so I will say the next animal soon in mammoth still.

-a tired DiploLover24

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