Creatures of Nightmares
Creatures of Nightmares
Chapter 18 part 1
Astra swung her spiked tail at the grey wolf, but he expertly dodged. “What does Shadow call you?”
The grey wolf scoffed as he dodged more tail attacks. “Fenrir Greyback, after some old story.. (I thought name suited him. Greyback is werewolf in Harry Potter)” he answered.
“Also, nice powers, but look at mine.” He chuckled and dug his paws in the snow, touching the earth within. Swirls appeared on his sides and back. They were a mix of green, yellow, blue, and pink.
Greyback (I can’t remember from HarryPotter if it is Greyback or Grayback) summoned large vines that acted like whips.
They snapped and Astra dodged. One vine hit her tail and the ice shattered, but she felt no pain. “That’s it,” she muttered.
Her swirls glowed blue as she created thin ice armor around her. It took much of her strength, but protected her greatly. Fenrir’s green eyes glowed as the vines folded into wolf figures.
Astra noticed how when the vines-wolves ran it was awkward. They had to keep their paws attached to the ground. Astra ran a bit away from them and darted making an ice trail, going high.
While Fenrir was busy making more vine-wolves, she made ice ones.
The ice-wolves dominated the vine-wolves. They could take any vines that whipped them and could easily rip the vine-wolves apart. She jumped off the trail and said to Fenrir, “Come on. Let’s make this just us.”
Ice-wolves and vine-wolves disappeared. She recreated her ice armor and spiked tail, now with an upgrade. As she swung the tail, spikes were released. Fenrir dodged and chuckled.
Astra was getting tired. He could tell in the way she fought. “Little girl, little girl, it’s best if you stop right now.”
She snarled and started charging at him. His swirls glowed.
Astra was enveloped in vines, struggling to get free. They squeezed her, snapping the armor. She moaned.
“Now you know what it’s like to meet an EarthPaw. And it’s time enough that you visit Shadow.”
She was unconscious by then.
Apollo nodded as if in agreement with catching Astra. “What’ll you do after?”
“I’ll stick her in the dungeon for a few days to weaken her. Then I’ll kill her in front of everyone. Then the other prophecy wolves.”
“What a plan, father,” he said. “They’ll be dead in no time.”
Astra woke up, dragged by Fenrir in vines. Tight vines. She couldn’t make a sound, though. She shouldn’t let him know she’s awake.
He was dragging her to a castle. They entered. I was more like a long hall lined with red and gold, with many rooms. There was a hall to the left that led to the dungeon. He opened the door and tossed her in.
Astra hit the floor with a thud. She heard murmurs around her. “Is this Astra?”
“Wasn’t she meant to save us?”
“Why was she caught?”
And then a familiar voice. “Guys, it’s ok. We’ll figure out how to escape. Apollo is out.” It was Prince.
The winged wolf, Pax, and Prince began ripping the vines around her. She groaned and stood up.
One male white mammoth said, “Wow she’s pretty. Isn’t she the one you two like?”
Prince and Pax grumbled in annoyance.
“Ok well, where’s Apollo?” Astra asked.
“He went out with Shadow. But I’m positive he’s still on our team.” Pax answered.
Astra’s tail drooped a bit. She was, evidently, looking forward to seeing Apollo in person.
“Wait.. I never asked.. how were you two caught?”
One week earlier:
“Why hasn’t Astra woken up?” Pax asked. Prince shrugged. “It seems like something like this would happen only to her, right?”
“Very true,” Pax huffed.
The two wolves were sitting at the water’s edge, not even a mile away from Astra.
They grew silent.
“And here we have two of the prophecy wolves, live and in person. Hello, Pax and Prince.”
They turned with a growl, Pax’s green swirls glowing and Prince’s blue swirls glowing.
There were two wolves in armor. Chitin armor. “Like it, eh? Used for only the finest fighters. These are the only ones.”
Prince pulled water from the sea and made them sharp daggers. He hurled them toward the wolves. They dodged.
One had a grey coat, and the other had a black coat.
Angrily they dodged. The grey wolf stuck his paws in the snow, touching the dirt.
And there were vines.
(“You fought Fenrir Greyback too?” Astra asked. “I guess we may have fought the same wolves,” Pax huffed. “Anyways..”)
The vines snapped at them like whips. Pax used his time powers so he and Prince could move fast and Prince sliced the vines with water.
Pax made everything return to normal speed. The black wolf growled.
“Yes, Fang, just do it already.”
The black wolf dashed toward them, going through the two wolves. It felt odd. And he put his two paws on their backs. He was so fast they could barely notice.
Until their powers stopped. They couldn’t use them anymore. Immediately, they were encased in vines, and dragged to the castle. The two wolves told other wolves to “spread the news of who they caught,” and other things.
UGH idk why I don’t get more space -DiploLover24.