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In a small bunker about 1 mile north of the soon to be destroyed tek city.

"Hello every one and thank you for joining us to day. Now I know some rumors have been going around that some kind of f@#$ing godzilla is on his way to put it hardly kill us all, and to put it lightly, well he will make the arks malfunction and cause a good chunk of this place to be deleted from the world. But we have good news. He now has a laser breath attack that we discovered just a few sec-

*ear splitting noise*

"Well there's our ride"

Mr guy who talks to much was killed

Random Boi was killed

Chibi pet snow owl was killed

Element lover was killed

Element hater was killed

Random spy was killed

Nuke detonator was killed

WHAT THE F*** WAS THAT was killed

Guy who sees all and nothing was killed

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