Chapter 2: Alpha

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Chapter 2: Alpha

I snuck back to my mom and laid beside her, pretending to be asleep. In a little while she woke up and said "Good" She looked at me suspicously.

I sighed "No mother, I did not sneak away into the forest." I saw a few of the shadowmanes on watch shoot amused glances in my direction. Thankfully, Mom didnt notice.

"Hm, im sure you didnt. Well, lets go to Alpha, looks like he's calling a meeting." All the shadowmanes wandered towards Alpha, and when everyone was here, he cleared his throat and everyone fell silent.

"The reason I have called you here is to inform you of 2 things. 1, 2 more shadowmanes have been captured, Deliga and Alto." I supprest a sour face. Deliga and Alto were both my friends, and I WAS going to get them back. "2," Alpha continued, "We will be starting to ally with more local groups of Gara-Lions, Gara-Wolves, and Shadowmanes alike to try to strike on Zero Dawn." There was some muttering to that. Gara-Lions and Wolves were basically like normal ones, exept far more intellgent, large, and had mouths like a human. Some were rumored to even be able to speak human language. "This is the FINAL decision." Alpha said in a sharp tone. All muttering stopped. "Now go, but be on high alert! The humans are getting bolder."

Everyone wandered away, probably thinking about how to negoiate with the local groups, but I was planning. Planning a strike on Zero Dawn to get everyone out.


I hope you liked it! Next chapter will be in Fjordhawk.

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