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Dev: ok I have a new idea for a creature

Dev 2: Goodness no

Dev: let’s have a deinonychus

Dev 2: that is actually a lot better than I suspected

Dev: but…

Dev 2: Rockwell kill me already

Dev: it can climb walls

Dev 2: gosh no

Dev: quiet. It can also only be tamed by being raised by stealing an egg from packs of up to 10

Dev 2: please no

Dev: they also have the speed of a raptor and strength of a carno


Dev: make it so they also can latch onto tames.

Dev 2: why did I get this job

Dev: that’s it

Dev 2: phew, glad that’s over

Dev: wait they are also so fluffy the player does not know they are being mauled until they die

Dev 2: just kill me rockwell! DO IT NOW!

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