ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Dev: ok I have a new idea for a creature
Dev 2: Goodness no
Dev: let’s have a deinonychus
Dev 2: that is actually a lot better than I suspected
Dev: but…
Dev 2: Rockwell kill me already
Dev: it can climb walls
Dev 2: gosh no
Dev: quiet. It can also only be tamed by being raised by stealing an egg from packs of up to 10
Dev 2: please no
Dev: they also have the speed of a raptor and strength of a carno
Dev: make it so they also can latch onto tames.
Dev 2: why did I get this job
Dev: that’s it
Dev 2: phew, glad that’s over
Dev: wait they are also so fluffy the player does not know they are being mauled until they die
Dev 2: just kill me rockwell! DO IT NOW!
More Deinonychus Funny Tips
Rex: I’m the best tame
Allo: doubtful
Reaper: haha u suck scary alien go chomp chomp
Giga: hello foolish mortals
King Titan: I can’t be tamed but I’m still better than u smol giga
Deinonychus: excuse me, mates, I left my ten Titanosaur corpses around here.
King Titan: screams in fear.
-all other life forms have left the game-
Rockwell: Your not so tough little chicken raptor
Deinonychus: *does screech thing*
Human: *Walks By Deinoychus Nest*
Deinoychus: "Hippity Hoppity"...*goes to maul a ovis*
Human: "What'd You say?" *Walks Closer To Nest.*
Deinoychus: *Turns Around And Tilts Head Cutely*
Human: "Oo Look! An Egg , I Hope You Don't Mind If I..." *Human Picks Up Egg*
Deinoychus: *Makes An Enraged Face* "I said... HIPPITY HOPPITY STAY AWAY FROM MY F**KING PROPERTY B***CH"
(20 Mins Later)
Human: *Goes Back To The Deinoychus Nest*
Human: "Where's My Stuff?"
Deinoychus: "Gone , Reduced To Atoms."
Tysvm For Reading! ❤️ 🌺🐲