ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
Taming & KO Tips
How do I tame a carcharodontosaurus? Tips and strategies on taming and knocking out a carcharodontosaurus.
If you have no moral compass, like me, if you cryo a baby rex after hatching it, find a carchar, uncryo the Rex and kill it, baby rex’s give 100% trust…. So yeah
Here’s how to tame a carcharodontosaurus:
1. Find one (use gene scanner if u got bob tales on Asa
2. Make sure there are plenty of Dino’s around, bc you’ll need to ride and kill stuff to tame it
3. Place 3 gates, put bear traps in it, and once the carcha is ensnared, then put the fourth gate behind it
4. Feed it corpses (ideally baby Rex corpses)
5. Once it’s tamed, go kill a bunch of stuff quickly, be careful if you do it too slowly taming effectiveness will go down
Then finally you’ll get thrown off and congrats you just tamed a carcha!
Crack crack crack… what was that? Well if looks could kill you would have died right there and then, This is the Carcharodontasaurus! Wanna tame one yourself? Where to find some? Or maybe how to defend yourself? All of those will be answered in one massive tip! So let’s jump in!
So where would you find one? They have the same spawn points as gigas, so if you want to find eithor of these apex predators that’s where you have the best chance of finding them. (Do note that they are a rare spawn)
How would you defend yourself? If you don’t have a flying tame next to you, then you can consider yourself very very dead. Other than that Carcharodontasaurus have a gnash defect they can inflict, very similar to that of a Giga.
Alright and that leaves us with how tame one, starting with all the supplies you will need: a tribe mate, a wyvern, 5-9 metal gateways, a simple bed and foundation, some large beartraps, and loads of patience. Start by finding one, fly a decent 150 meters away from it, (to avoid grabbing its attention while making the trap) and place the metal gateways in a circle, while leaving a opening. (Try not to make the circle to small because the Carcharodontasaurus HAS to move or the taming process will break) now that the cage is set, place the beartraps in the middle of the trap. The hard part is getting the Carcharodontasaurus into the trap. Use the wyvern to grab the Dino’s attention and lure it to the trap, and right when it enters and hits a trap, you run behind it and place the final gateways insuring the Dino stays in. Have your tribe mate watch the Carcharodontasaurus, while you grab the wyvern and grab large dinos, or vise versa, and bring them back to the enclosure, have your tribe mate kill it, while you grab more (keep doing this until you have a pile of dead things). So now your ready for the grueling taming process: have your tribemate drag dead animals to you, while you (hopefully having armor on) drag it and hold it near the Carcharodontasaurus, (the Carcharodontasaurus should sniff the air, and walk towards you, reach down and eat the corpse) after eating the corpse you gain a friendship meter, (this is a good thing) however you have to be quick, with haste continue dragging Dead Dino’s to the Carcharodontasaurus, and when the friendship meter is completely full, break down the side of the trap, and ride the Carcharodontasaurus. It is not tamed yet, but this is the last step and it’s the easiest: Go on the worlds bloodiest merciless dino massecre you possibly can. Eventually after eating and killing enough Dino’s the Carcharodontasaurus will have full taming effectiveness and then you have your very own Carcharodontasaurus! :D
Thx for reading! :D
Eat rare flowers while riding that beast. Wild Dinos love that.
And dont forget to remove your metal gates after taming... so other survivors can try it too
After taming 3 carchars, this is what I have learned:
-the best way to trap these fellas is a 1x1 of metal dino gateways. You must have a bear trap in the middle of 3 gates to trap the carchar and then put up the 4th gate
-when trapped, the bastards will often refuse to eat, in order to fix this you can leave the corpse by it and simply go out of render from it. All tames must be out of render for this to work. If you left the corpse by it’s feet like I earlier said then by the time you come back the corpse will be eaten and the carchars progress will rise
-In the process of leaving and entering render to reset them, it a a must that you do this in a swiftly manner, as if you load in the carchar before you load the trap in the charcar has a large chance of meshing through your trap. I like to use a dino which can quickly elevate and dive for this
-when you have fed them enough corpses their progress bar will turn green and you can ride them, leave up the trap except for one gateway and start killing anything you see
-it is a good idea to head for highly populated areas instead of going for big kills
-elixirs do work on them so make sure you pop one when the car gets to 70% taming
-I’m not sure if this is possible with our rates yet, but if the car gets to a 99 kill streak it is very important that you roar. If you don’t and you hit a streak of 100 you will be kicked off of the car. Some dinos give a higher boost than just one, so if you feel as though you are getting to close to 100 you should roar sooner
-If you don’t get to 100% before the ten minutes is up it is much easier if you walk the car back into the old trap while you still have control of it. If you would like, you can also put up a new trap around the car while you still have control
-each time you have to feed and mount the car it’s timing effectiveness will tank. It will also fall if you take damage so make sure you don’t hit creatures with a thorn aspect like arthlos or kentros. It is also important that you negate all fall damage by jumping off of them because this drops their effectiveness as well
Best way to tame these (based off what I've seen and this crazy thing I call logic and experience)
1. Cryo a baby dino or two that has high drag weight as adult (bronto/rex/spino/etc) you might wanna check drag weight vs your max weight and empty your inventory completely (keep the cryo of course)
2. Make a saddle for a carchar and bring that too
3. Find carchar on a fast flier/high health flier with high stamina
4. Lead carchar somewhere near lots of easy to kill, preferably passive dinos but keep it from starting its rampage
5. When the carchar is no longer aggroed, go a small, but not too small distance away, put the saddle in your flier's inventory if necessary
6. Uncryo your sacrifice(s) and end them
7. Walk up to (should be passive) carchar while dragging a body, if it sniffs and roars into the sky, dash to your flier/away from your flier if you're willing to save it.
Alternatively, if it sniffs politely and curiously, drop the dead body, if you brought two babies, grab the other one while breathing heavily, the carchar might eat both so stay back a fair distance, repeat the process with this one if necessary
8. If the carchar likes the offering(s), the carchar will smile at you and offer you a ride, if not, step 7, then step 1 again
9. Get up on the glorious murder machine and go to the dinosaurs nearby, do a spin for them and compliment their scales
10. Then demolish all of the dinosaurs in a roaring, gruesome rampage while they all beg for forgiveness
11. Once tamed, the carchar's spikes will hurt your butt and you'll have to get off
12. Give your carchar a saddle, now you'll feel better
13. Continue step 9 until you get bored and head back to base
-C [The Reaper Lover]
Baby spino is also an insta trust bar fill just a heads up
I don't know why (and it's also like this for giga for me), when i tame them they always have 50% melee not 100%.
Use the votes to indicate if this happens to you as well. (This is ark survival evolved on custom settings)
The person who said it’s only tamed for ten minutes is wrong they just didn’t understand the taming process you feed it creature bodies (gallimimus is favorite) then you can ride it but it’s not “your friend” you have to kill things with it wile you ride it then it’s tamed forever this person just didn’t do the last part of taming
Watch Syntac's video for taming this creature is the best advice I can give. Best of luck.
when taming these guys after trust meter us filled get baby dinosaur with max health because the more health something has the faster and higher the taming bar goes up
To tame a Carcharodontosaurus you will need 1-5 baby rexes cryod in cryopods. When you will Finder a Carcha, you have to kill 1 rex, and grab him to the Carcha. Carcharo will eat the body, and will gain friend tracking. When the tracking is green, ride it and kill everything in sight
I really like these guys there one of my favs. The best way to tame these guys is by putting down 3 metal Dino gateways in a way to look like a box missing a wall. Then lead him in the trap by having him chasing you then when he is in place another metal Dino gateway then bring dead Dino’s to have him feed. Then a trust bar will appear and when it’s full he is tamed and they don’t need a saddle to ride but you can give it one. Hope this was helpful plz up this to spread the word!
Easy Carchar taming method that I like using:
Use your throwaway tames, or tame diplos.
Level points ONLY into health. The more points into health, the more quicker you can tame the Carchar.
Next, find a Carchar, DO. NOT. TRAP. IT. It will not eat the corpses you bring if it is in a trap. It will also bug out, better to do it without one.
Now you have 2 options, use a throwaway tame or use any Dino in the area to feed the Carchar.
The best way I found, is to use an unclaimed tame that has a lot of points into health - preferably 100k.
Next, drag whatever corpse you chose to the Carchar, and WAIT for the sniffing animation. It doesn’t matter if you also walk up to it after it finished sniffing the air, it will solely focus on the corpse, make sure you run away asap though.
The more the corpse has health, the faster the Carchar will let you ride it. Please remember that.
After dragging the corpses and the Carchar is letting you ride it, you can either go around on a murder spree OR use your throwaway tames.
I used my throwaway rexes that had 100k health in them - here’s the fun part.
Instead of focusing on your Carchar munching away at the rex for 5 hours, you can whistle passive (before bringing taming the Carchar, recommend doing it before you start bringing the corpses) unclaim, then damage your tame till it is VERY bloody.
Once you did that, bring over your Carchar and make sure you are RIDING IT; manually attack your unclaimed tame, and boom. Taming efficiency goes up a bunch.
Highly recommend diplos or rexes with over 100k health as it will tame so much faster, don’t forget to damage them enough so it only takes a few bites for your Carchar!
TDLR: more health on dinos = faster Carchar taming.
Hope this helps!
So friend and I tamed one this morning. Mated my rexes got 4 eggs to about 8% from hatching.(boosted hatch rates). Took the eggs close to where the carchar was, hatched one egg. Killed the rex and my buddy carried it up til it looked at him dropped the body and ran a little bit. Carchar ate the corpse and was ready to be mounted. No cage needed just got to have some massive balls.
Day 2: Charcharadontasauraus
The Charcharadontasauraus is one of the best Dino’s in the entire game with stats rivaling even the giga and has even more abilities and is an exceptional mount that can easily traverse the whole map and, with its amazing movement speed, very quickly. However, there is one major drawback: an extremely difficult tame and can eat right through any structure below metal. It has a wide range of different attacks including a basic front facing bite and I high power 360 tail spin that sends most creatures flying. It has one of the best abilities in the game, which is a stackable kill buff, and it stacks up to a hundred times, and with a full 100 buffs it can solo a wild giga.
Base stats:
Its health is absolutely incredible, ranking in at #3 next to only the titanasaur and the giga. Its melee is also astonishing with only 4 other creatures dealing more damage at 211 per hit on its base attack at level 1. The only major drawback to these amazing stats is that they get lowered an insane amount upon taming.
The Carcharadontasaurus has an odd and unique way of taming that includes mounting it and killing other wild dinos, but before you can go off and kill other stuff, you need to trap it and feed it a dead dino. To trap it all you need is a flier, 4 metal dino gateways and a large bear trap. First, you will need to place down three of the four metal gateways in a U shape with one at the back and two on either side facing the same direction. You will then need to put the bear trap at the back of the trap, at the bottom of the U shape. Then, you will need to get on your flier and get the Charcha’s aggro and fly over the trap with it chasing you and lead it into the bear trap. You will then need to quickly run around to the back of the Charcha and place down the last gateway behind it, trapping it in the square of gates. The next thing you will need to do is, if possible, cryo a baby rex and bring it to your Charcha. You will need to throw out the baby Rex and kill it, then drag it to the Charcha and feed it to it. This will completely fill up its trust meter, allowing you to then destroy one of the gateways and mount the Charcha. If possible, try to get to a highly populated area with lots of dinos everywhere and kill everything you see. The bigger a dino is the more taming progress it will supply, but tons of small dinos can also be very effective. Once tamed, I would suggest putting four out of every five points into melee and the other one wherever you see best fit depending on you Charcha’s base stats, but that is just my recommendation, and if you want to do something else, feel free to.
Trex baby is best for taming
Also the carch is just a better giga
No trap necessary! I’ve tamed 6 now and no trap is easier than dealing with the trap. Mate high level rexes, hatch eggs, and cryopod the babies. Find Carchar, kill ALL dinos in the immediate area. At a safe distance but in sight of carchar get high level baby rex(s) out of cryopod, kill them, drag to carchar and let them sniff and eat. Number of baby rex needed is dependent upon carchar level and your server taming rates. I recommend only killing one rex at a time otherwise carchar may end up going over to your pile and eating them and that will do you no good, trust me. If on extinction I recommend luring the carchar back into the snow biome if it has ended up out in the wasteland. The random spawning of corrupted can really add another level of difficulty to this tame.
In theory, you could use a mind wipe tonic, pump most your stats into weight and kill some adult rexes at the sight to use for feeding. I haven’t tried that though so experiment at your own risk.
On Extinction they spawn regularly on the outer edge of the snow biome from the southeast to southwest corner of the biome. I’ve found them on both sides, just inside or just outside of the biome.
They take forever to raise and imprint but they are well worth it if you can get some high level breeders. They are a giga on steroids with a better turning radius, a stamina boost, and a blood rage buff that drastically increases melee and heals them faster than they can take damage. I raised 6 that started around level 150 and got them mostly imprinted. Just riding one I am unstoppable, I can handle a purple supply drop up to wave 5 and not even be close to losing the carchar or dying myself. Unfortunately I lose the drop because there are more Dino’s spawning than one person and mount can handle.
Like all big Dino’s they don’t handle fall damage well so be careful there.
If you have a baby rex that you don’t want trap the carch an feed it the Rex. Ps it HAS to be a baby
Typically they spawn where ever gigas spawn. Once found one you have to kill some animals preferably a wholly Rhino. once you have the corpse it's a passive tame so makes it better to tame. Slowly walk up behind the Cardo wait till it sniffs the air and run away so it can it can be eaten. When the the hexagon is full above it hop on it as fast as you can and kill everything till it's tamed.