ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

More Carbonemys Utility Tips
Utility Roles for Carbonemys:
1. Tank. A very bulky dino for early game, due to their easy taming method they are worth taming just for their bulk alone. They take reduced damage everywhere but their head. Unfortunately, are outclassed by the Trike later on. (level Health)
2. Early game water mount. Their saddle is relatively inexpensive to craft, and they are significantly faster in water. Plus, no Oxygen stat means you can have access to local waterways around your base. Just don't try traversing the ocean...(level Health, Stamina, and Movement Speed)
3. Scout (if you want). They are slow, even while sprinting, but their bulk is good for any scouting missions you want to do in the early game. (level Stamina and Movement Speed)
4. Kibble Maker. Their eggs are classed as Medium, and they lay at a decent rate. Great for Regular Kibble!
My name is ShinyChimchar01 and if you like this tip, I've done similar tips on the Trike, Raptor, and Parasaur and my next tip is on the Lystrosaurus!
Create the ultimate turtle breeding group. Call yourself the turtle god. Put your mega tortols in aggressive, pick it up with quetzal, drop these babies on other tribe's turrets.
You now have the ultimate turret soaker. Let all other players feel the wrath of the turtle god. Your power is limitless, your defense is unfathomable, they shall all bow before your might. You are turtle god, bullet's demise, the ultimate waster of resources, who would dare defy you?
These sea creatures are early game tanks, able to tank out damage while you escape. They are very easy to tame, no need for a trap. I got around 6 or them near my base all over 3000 hp and they make jolly well defenders. The thing is they are slow. I do short reviews on other herbivores, pls like.
The carbonemys is perhaps one of the best creatures to tame in the early game, and provides decent protection against dilos and lone raptors. The carbonemys can easily be knocked out with a slingshot, and even a survivor with base movement speed can outrun one, making it one of the easiest tames for the early game. Not only can it carry a lot, it can be used a bait for taming (or escaping) big carnivores that would love to eat you and you (amazing pink dodo) for a snack.
Amazing for early game
Can carry lots of stuff
An easy source of meat, keratin, hide, and XP for early game players
Really slow on land
Gets stuck on stuff a lot
Makes annoying wailing noises all the time