ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

More Carbonemys Funny Tips
Take this guy because he is so powerful, I have one and we were crossing a body of water then all of a sudden we get attacked by a megalodon and my turtle fought it whilst I was there axing the shark, it killed me and I went back there thinking my turtle was screwed, I come back to see the megalodons body at the bottom of the lake and my turtle is down there with it and it was fine, I got my stuff back and never forgot that moment. (Sorry it’s so long) upv0te if you enjoyed the tale.
I once tamed a level 125, and then I maxed it. I was a taming machine. Eventually, I had my first Rex! Yay! But when I turned it on Aggresive to kill some raptors, I titan came out of NOWHERE and killed it. Then it proceeded to kill everything. I ran for my life and escaped with my argy. Days later, I came back to see the remains. And there she was. My turtle. Bloody and beaten, but alive. I could see the titan in the distance, walking away. I then named the turtle Invincible and used her for every raid since she is still alive to this day. The end.
On ark the first thing I tamed was a level 1 Carbonemys. It was my favorite giant prehistorical turtle in the world, and it was my favorite thing in the entire game. Her name was Betty. I raised her all the way to level 18, and she was a good girl. May have been slow on land, may have been slow in the water, but when things got tight, her 879 health made up for everything. She was a walking tank. I once saw he kill an entire horde of piranha without getting to half health. But then, while riding my giant crocodile, I came across a pack of troodons. The surrounded me. Their leader, level 29, was no match for me. I tried to turn and run, but they surrounded chef the croc, and they attacked him from all sides. I wish his death was painless, but it wasn't. Then Betty sprang into action. Oh god, I wanted her to run away, but she was always so protective of me. She killed two of them, but the other five just started getting at her. Goddamn, I wish she would have just left..