ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

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More Bloodstalker Stories Tips’s sad story time, people.
I was at my bog biome base breeding Bloodstalkers and I found one that appealed to me at first sight, with its cool orange color (not mutated, maybe the parents had the same color but I couldn’t see it.) I fully imprinted it and took it to the Arctic for a test run. I got several levels on it, and soon enough, it was a beast with 10k health. So I decided to go to the Volcano to do some missions. I settled on the Magmasaur egg stealing mission on gamma difficulty as a nice easy test run. As I stepped into the cave, my Bloodstalker tore through countless high level arthros, scorpions, magmas and even a rock golem! (He was doing extra damage because of the mission.) Eventually, he was pretty low on health, so I healed him a bit. Then we made it to the egg cavern, and I saw the egg. I also saw twenty Magmasaurs guarding it. I thought I could take them down, but they pushed me into the lava. I made it out of the lava, kentros, magmas, arthros charging at me, and then...
I died. The lava had damaged my character too, and I died right off my Bloodstalker’s back-or, well, arms. All I could see before the respawn screen appeared was a horde of Dinos attacking my Bloodstalker, who fought till the end. I respawned in my bog base and looked at my other Bloodstalkers. I swear, I will breed a Bloodstalker so strong it can go into that cave and kill every creature there, especially the Magmasaurs.
Rip unnamed Bloodstalker
⬆️For unnamed Bloodstalker
Swamp Guy
•Chapter 13•
It was around nighttime. A young, thin Wyvern was yelling loudly as she flew, asking her father if they were there yet for the fifth time.
“Nearly, Bria,” He answered her. “It’s a bit far from our home, remember. Not everyone in our family lives close to the palace.”
“Yeah, but why?” Bria asked, beating her wings once in the air. She was about half his size now and was growing rather quickly, though her flying still wasn’t exactly the best. Behind them, her sister Pandora was flying as well, looking spaced out.
“My sisters and our parents didn’t like living amongst so many others,” Father explained.
“Oh.” Bria said. The rest of the flight was quiet, and a few minutes later they had reached the edge of what appeared to be the rocky coast of Vardiland.
“Lights,” Pandora observed quietly, dipping her neck downwards.
Bria looked down as well and saw gleaming orange lights far below, along with a flat spot of rock with other Wyverns there, a small group of about ten.
‘Dad’s family is big,’ Bria thought.
They flew down towards the ground and the three landed simultaneously. Pandora hid behind Father quickly, but Bria was bounding forwards to meet everyone. “Bria, wait up!” Father called.
She ran to the group and nearly smacked into another dragon, who let out a small sound of surprise and glanced down at her. “Hi!” Bria said.
Father caught up with her and happily greeted the Wyvern Bria had crashed into. He then looked up and asked, “Are my sisters here?”
Bria listened for the Wyverns’ answer before Father’s eyes flicked upwards. He smiled slightly.
Bria followed his gaze and watched as someone flapped down and crash landed on the floor. A light and dark gray Wyvern ran over to them, her face alight with happiness. “Wiiind!” She squealed. She wrapped her wings around his face and whirled him around, Father letting out a muffled protest in surprise. “You’re here, you made it!”
“Sasha!” Wind exclaimed as he was released. “Yes, of course I did! Where’s Lune?”
Another Wyvern touched down a few moments later. She had dark violet eyes like Wind’s, and came up to them with a welcoming smile on her face.
“Hello, brother,” she greeted.
“Sister,” he said with a low teasing tone.
Lune grinned and looked over at Bria, her tail flicking. “Well hello there, Bria,” She greeted.
“Hi,” Bria said nervously.
“I hope you’ve been behaving,” Lune said to her, her sharp eyes staring sternly down.
“Of course, yes, I am,” Bria insisted.
“Well that’s good to hea–” She suddenly let out a startled cry as she spotted Pandora standing by Wind’s wing. She nearly jumped back and drew herself up indignantly, turning her head away and holding up a wing to block her view. “Good Obelisks above, you brought that thing with you, too?”
“It’s only Pandora,” Bria said.
“Ugh! Take HER out of my sight! I can't believe you took it here.” Lune said to Wind with an astonished tone.
“Stop it,” Wind said firmly. “Come here, Pandora.” He gestured for her softly and she scrambled up closer to his side, her inverted eyes watching Lune curiously.
The older Lightning Wyvern still had her gaze turned. “I swear, Wind, you were either a horrible mate, or Eeli woke up to see that thing watching her sleep one morning.”
Bria heard Wind growl quietly.
Sasha watched them from where she stood, looking like she wanted to interfere but not daring. Bria noticed Pandora looking over at her and the two locked eyes. Sasha gave her sister a nervous smile.
“Let’s just go and say hi to the others,” Lune insisted with a shake of her head, turning and walking away.
Wind, Pandora, Sasha and Bria followed, Pandora watching silently from beside Wind as she walked. Bria looked around at the glowing lanterns and chatting group, and another young Wyvern ran past her, calling, “Coming through, oops, sorry!” as she went.
They came to a small spot and all sat down, and Wind let Pandora back down onto the ground. Pandora walked up to Bria and settled next to her.
“Everyone seems to be having a good time,” Sasha said.
Wind was glowering at Lune.
Bria bit her lip in apprehension, both excited and worried. Sasha, on the other talon, was not as enthusiastic. “Hey, Bria, Pandora, let’s go get something to eat, shall we? Follow me.”
Bria looked up at her and then back at Father, before sighing and following along. Sasha led them to a spot where some food had been set out, and she walked over and got into a conversation with one of the other Wyverns.
Bria sat down, her wings flopping to either side of her. Pandora stayed gladly by Sashas’ side, watching her talk with the Wyvern. “Who are you?” Pandora asked.
“A– a cousin of your Sasha and your father,” He said with an anxious look.
“So we all share blood,” Pandora said. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“You too,” The Wyvern said to Pandora, looking both nervous and intrigued.
Bria let out a small bored groan. She looked over at where Wind was now talking to Lune in an angry voice, and Bria glanced back at where Sasha and Pandora were. She stood and lowered her body, sneaking away towards Father.
“You don’t get it,” Wind was saying to Lune. “You didn’t even know Eeli.”
“I met her several times!” Lune insisted. “Don’t tell me who I don’t know.” She fiddled at the ground with two of her claws, before saying, “I’m just trying to help you. That child is–”
“There is nothing wrong with Pandora,” Wind said in a voice full of venom as he protected his daughter.
“She could be a curse,” Lune said in a pleading voice. “Her eyes alone are terrifying to look at. And soon enough every dragon in the kingdom will know about her.”
Bria sat down in a hidden little hollow in the ground, watching them from a distance away. She felt a storm of fury burn in her chest at Lune. ‘How could she talk about my sister that way?’
Wind sighed deeply and shut his eyes, his head aimed at the ground. “Go ahead and think what you want, Lune.”
“I’m still older than you and Sasha, you know,” Lune said with a hint of a smile on her face. “What happened to sibling respect?”
“I try to respect you,” Wind said as he opened his eyes back up.
“That’s funny, you’re funny now,” Sasha joked. “Since when?”
“Are you trying to make this lighthearted?” Wind asked her.
“I just don’t… like arguing with you. I’m sorry.”
“You should be. I’m only trying my best.”
“And I’m only scared of some things.” Lune answered.
Bria clicked her tongue and sunk back down into the hollow before crawling out, having heard enough of their conversation. She bounded quietly back over to the other Wyverns, millions of stars glittering overhead in the sky like fireflies.
As she reached them she slowed down to a stop and glanced around. Her gaze searched for her sister and Sasha. They were no longer in the spot they’d been when she left them. She couldn't spot them in the group at all. “Pandora?” She called.
“Oh, hey, you must be Bria,” A Wyvern looked down at her with welcoming blue eyes, and Bria squinted and nodded as they asked a question about Wind that she couldn't quite focus on. Her eyes looked around once more and she let out a tiny huff of air in disappointment. ‘Where’d they both go?’
Sand squished and shifted underneath the Wyvern’s long claws. Sasha was sitting by the sandy part of the beach, away from the others with Pandora by her side. She looked out at the snarling waters at the edge of the coastline and the moon’s light bouncing off the far away horizon. Her talons flexed in the dark sand and she flicked her tail, glancing at Pandora. “You like it here?”
“What is this called?” Pandora asked softly, not quite answering her question. The young dragon was holding up her arm with a talonful of sand held between her claws. It sifted through and spilled out, falling back onto the ground slowly, and Pandora watched it with mild interest in her eyes.
“That’s sand,” Sasha answered. “You’ll find a lot of that here.”
Pandora bobbed her head in a small nod. They were then silent for a few minutes, the only sound being the distant murmuring of the get-together behind them and the gentle crashing of waves.
“Y’know,” Sasha began, “I think you look really, really cool.”
Pandora looked up at her.
“And I’m sorry about my sister. What she said, I-I think otherwise. We’re family. We gotta look out for each other, right?”
She had her head turned to look at Pandora, and Pandora seemed to gaze quietly into her eyes. She didn’t expect what happened next. Pandora stood and lifted both her talons to Sasha, gently grabbing her face. Sasha froze as the black and white eyes stared deeply at her with an unreadable look, and the feeling of her strange talons holding Sasha almost frightened her.
Then Pandora let go and dropped back onto all fours. She turned around swiftly, glancing across the sandy ground as if looking for something. She looked down and then placed her claws in the sand, dragging them through in a deft motion. Sasha watched in silent puzzlement as Pandora continued, maneuvering around Sasha in a circle and etching her claws through the sand, turning, walking backwards and doing it again without looking up once.
“What is…” Sasha tried, staring. Pandora finished and backed away, before tipping her head up at Sasha and pointing down with one sharp claw.
Sasha lifted her neck and glanced down and around. Her pupils shrunk slowly in confusion as she did. Dozens of shapes in the sand surrounded her. She couldn't have any idea what it meant.
It was like a giant mass of rocks, all falling down around her.
You materialize in the bog biome, HLN-A floating beside you, you walk to a wet patch to drink, the water tastes vile but after the sulfurous taste of the water in the volcano biome it's like tasting paradise, you think about the scaly egg you just got, knowing it will hatch into a fearsome magmasaur, you pat the leathery scales of your X-parasaur, it did well getting you out of the volcanic eruption, then suddenly something long and white shoots from above and sticks to your parasaur, the terrified animal honks in distress as it is hauled into the canopy, you look up then with a thud the body of your para drops to the ground totally drained of blood with just three slits on its side, you look up again, and another white streak comes down, hitting you and pulling you up, you feel stabbing pain, see six gangly limbs, four bright red emotionless eyes, you feel something inside your body, like you're deflating, you feel unable to breath, you drop to the ground, dead
Dodo tales (Ep16 S1)
Sand. All he knew was there was sand all over him. He spat out all of it from his mouth, And remembered what had happened.
"Anyone!?! Anyone else he-" a hand clasped over his mouth "quiet down, you're going to attract predators" it was Eden.
Relief came over Jerry, and then he remembered what had happened to Rick
"There's nothing we can do now. If we go back for Rick, we'll get captured, or killed" Eden said as if reading his thoughts. "We can still save hi-" Jerry jumped in surprise as his dodo pecked his leg. He patted the Dodo's head and said "at least I've got you"
"I suggest we build shelter, because there's no way we're getting back to my house before nightfall." Said Eden
Jerry still felt a little sore from his injury, so he didn't argue.
"It kinda sucks that Rick saved my life twice, and I can't even repay him for it."
"I know how you feel, my friend got eaten by a sarco a couple months ago." Eden replied
Then they started preparing for the night...
The Obelisk
-Chapter 16-
The three carnivores had been walking for a few hours. They were almost to the end of the swamp. Forest was beginning to spot the horizon through the thick mangrove forest.
Snap! Something like a stick or twig broke behind Forest. He whipped around. “What was that?”
Spark and Rust were in the front, arguing. Whatever it was, they obviously hadn’t heard it over their own bickering. Forest slowed down to listen.
Hm. Nothing. Maybe it was a Compy. According to Spark, They were very curious.
Up ahead, Forest heard Spark yell, “NO, it’s WEST, DUMMY. ‘NEVER—EAT—SOGGY—WORMS.’ See?” She whacked Rusts head with her tail.
“OK OK. I thought the last part was ‘wheat’,” Rust muttered, rubbing his head feathers.
Spark groaned, stomping even farther ahead.
“Guys,” Forest called. “I had actually heard something back there.”
“We’ll it’s gone now!” Spark called over shoulder, sounding irritated.
“Did you give her a hard time?” Forest asked Rust.”
The deinonychus gave Forest an obvious look. “Kinda. Like, I was only fifty-nine percent trying to give her hard time. The rest was all genuine.”
“Really.” Forest was not too convinced.
“Oh, hey, look up!” Rust called. “Quetzals!”
Green and blue and red creatures flew overhead, sliding on their ginormous wings. Tiny tails sales behind them as they bellowed to one another.
“They’re carnivores, aren’t they?” Forest asked. “Why can’t I understand them?”
“All fliers have this special language only they understand,” Spark said, slowing down for Forest to catch up. “There’s Carnivore, Herbivore, and the Fliers Language. I thought Omnivores had a language, too, but I’m not so sure anymore.” She stopped to take a breath.
People see this creature add evil. I see it as amazing. I mean, it looks cool, it's fast, it tries to mimic your emotes, and I just absolutely love this creature. Even if it wasn't crazy OP it would still be my favorite ARK creature, and still my favorite creature period. I don't care if you don't agree, just know that this creature loves you, and you should love it back.
The Terrible Demise of Tortuga
Chapter nineteen.
The next morning they slept in do the whole morning the Petersons were all rushing. “Gay done with breakfast son!” Aragorn told Jack hurriedly. “Where is my hairbrush?! Josephina?! Do you know where my hairbrush is?!” Emma called to her sister. “Where’s my coffee?” Aragorn asked his wife. Finally they got out the door. Emma, Jack and Jay came in late to their class. Unfortunately their teacher was already there. “Hmm…Petersons, you’re late! Sit down, and once class is over I will find a suitable punishment.” Mizz Hawkthorne spat venomously. They carefully did so. “Now, where was I before we were rudely interrupted? Ah yes, do y’all know how islands are formed?” Aaron jr’s hand shot up so quickly and suddenly that the Flash would have been embarrassed. However Mizz Hawkthorne ignored him. “Nobody? Tsk, tsk. Islands are formed mostly from volcanic eruptions. Now there was a volcano called “el elemento or the element. This volcano had been made during the arks. Instead of lava it had melted element bc element had been put in the lave and fused together to make…melted element.” “One day this volcano erupted and…….” She continued talking about how the volcano had formed Tortuga. On and on she talked until finally… “Okay class. Before y’all go just so y’all know the maggots…I mean- the mayors are hosting a ball at their manor. Please tell your families. Everyone needs to be there, unless you are sick. Find a dance partner or just watch.” Mizz Hawkthorne said. “Now class dismissed. File out in a neat line.” The class began to, the Petersons were in the front hoping(in vain) that their teacher would forget about their punishment. She did not. “Wait! It is time for y’all three’s punishments. Hold out your right hand please.” Jay who was in the front did so. Mizz Hawkthorne pulled out a long ruler with sharp jagged edges. She quickly brung it down on Jay’s hand. He bit his lip to keep himself from crying out in pain. That would only make her happier. Next she did Jack. Then it was Emma’s turn. Mizz Hawkthorne hit Emma’s hand once, then twice then one last time. She had hit Emma’s hand two more times than the boys. Emma blinked to hold tears back. She felt like she was going to black out and her knees felt weak. Emma grasped around with her uninjured hand and grasped someone’s arm to steady herself. *Flash!* Emma’s world flashed before her eyes (no she didn’t die). Suddenly she was in another school room. There was a teacher in the front lecturing his students. Just then the door banged open and a younger child version of Mizz Hawkthorne ran in. Mizz Hawkthorne’s teacher frowned. “You are late. You must be punished.” The teacher said. The young Mizz Hawkthorne’s eyes swam with tears. “P-please n-no I was helping my mum.” She protested. The teacher pulled out a ruler with jagged edges. “Hold put your hand.” He demanded. She held out a trembling hand. Just as the teacher brought the ruler down and was about to strike her hand everything flashed again and Emma was back in the schoolroom in Tortuga. She was grasping Mizz Hawkthorne’s arm. Her teacher glared at her. Emma let go. “Sorry.” She mumbled. “Move along. And may this teach you all a lesson.” Mizz Hawkthorne said.
“Are you okay?” Andrew asked Emma. He and Emilia were checking on Emma. Despite Emma’s best efforts tears began to drip down her cheeks. She shook her head at Andrew. “Here let me see it.” Emilia said. Emma held out her hand. Emilia gently took it into her own hands. She grimaced at the sight. Emma’s hand had a deep cut in it and was bleeding terribly. Andrew yanked at his shirt sleeve and tore of a chunk. He gently but firmly tied it around Emma’s hand. “Here I know what to do. My dad is a doctor. I’m gonna take you to your house and we’ll bandage it up. Ok?” Andrew asked Emma. Emma nodded. “Thank you.” She whispered.