ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

DO NOT ENGAGE OR YOU WILL DIE! I was hunting araneos when this thing came out of nowhere and three shot me! All my dimorphs were literally devoured when I came back. It is like centipedes in real life but instead of killing you slowly with poison it kills you with bites quickly. Do not equip anything lower than Chitin or you will get one shot.
Stay TF back. Bug repellant and ghillie seems like your best option. Also, a longbow and a lot of distance. If it spots you, duck and weave MF, duck and weave!
Taming an Arthropleura is really simple
Note: there's always a risk of losing your genitals so be careful when taming
Step 1: Spoil meat. Because nobody will waste broth of enlightenment
Step 2: make bug repellent. Ghillie Armor isn't necessary, the bugs pretend you have ghillie
Step 3: Carefully approach Satan (he won't notice you)
Step 4: feed him spoiled meat
Step 5: cyropod it and get the hell out of there as soon as possible because you don't have the saddle.
Step 6: make a saddle
Step 7: realise it can't climb anything on mobile
Step 8: Get Depressed
Step 9: Realise nothing agroes it and that you can easily just speedrun caves
Step 10: Ascendant Long neck.
They CANNOT attack you while in the water!!!
He protec
He attac
But most importantly he says good bye to your flak
Why must the most scariest and violent things be tamed passively?
Easiest and safest way to tame this is to lure it under water. They stop aggro and you can tame as you please. Just make sure you come up for air every once in a while. Also be sure the water is deep enough.
They can be found in genesis in the magmasaur cave. Make the button green so the app creators can see
These guys no longer have "invisible to wildlife" buff. In mobile ultimate edition, any creatures now will attack on sight. So if your purpose to tame this thing is for their invisible buff, just dont. It doesn't work anymore. This happens on ASE newest version on any platform (so far i test on mobile, pc, and PS). I have no idea if you talking about ASA, but it could be same too
If you use a crab an grab them, just put them underwater an they wont agro you, boom easy tame
reasons why YOU should tame an arthro
#1 these guys hit like a TANK
Not only do they have good melee (if u level it to have good melee) but they deal torpor which is great for taming in my opinion.
#2 they can destroy tek metal and wood structures
I play on a VERY wealthy server so metal bases are not rare at all but I haven’t seen much tek yet my arthro is very useful especially when raiding. You can easily get into and base (but thatch) useing this tame.
#3 other animals don’t attack it
If you are riding an arthro you will not be attacked by any wild animals great for running strong cave. And animals will not attack an arthro back if it attacks a wild animal.
#4 the arthro spits acid
The arthro has a turrent mode which allows it to shoot acid at enemy tames players and wild animals this ability makes it good for sitting on a rock and firing downward at your target like a poisonous Erie turrent.
We’ll hope this helps people im making more on other helpful tames -swiftwind9105
Don't wear any armor when around the arthropleura, because it melts any armor
Bye bye flak gear
I recently constructed a 1x8 pen with walls in ARK Ascended, and I found an effective way to tame an Arthro. I used my Argent 🦅 to transport it inside the pen. After placing it in the enclosure, I patiently waited, and the Arthro naturally turned about 90 degrees, which caused it to become stuck. This allowed me to easily tame it using spoiled meat from a spot near the back end of the Arthro, right along the edge of the wall. This method proved to be a straightforward approach, eliminating the need to create bug repellent or worry about potential attacks. Overall, it was a simple and effective trap design!