ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Taming & KO Tips

How do I tame a arthropluera? Tips and strategies on taming and knocking out a arthropluera.
Taming an Arthropleura is really simple
Note: there's always a risk of losing your genitals so be careful when taming
Step 1: Spoil meat. Because nobody will waste broth of enlightenment
Step 2: make bug repellent. Ghillie Armor isn't necessary, the bugs pretend you have ghillie
Step 3: Carefully approach Satan (he won't notice you)
Step 4: feed him spoiled meat
Step 5: cyropod it and get the hell out of there as soon as possible because you don't have the saddle.
Step 6: make a saddle
Step 7: realise it can't climb anything on mobile
Step 8: Get Depressed
Step 9: Realise nothing agroes it and that you can easily just speedrun caves
Step 10: Ascendant Long neck.
Why must the most scariest and violent things be tamed passively?
Easiest and safest way to tame this is to lure it under water. They stop aggro and you can tame as you please. Just make sure you come up for air every once in a while. Also be sure the water is deep enough.
They can be found in genesis in the magmasaur cave. Make the button green so the app creators can see
If you use a crab an grab them, just put them underwater an they wont agro you, boom easy tame
Don't wear any armor when around the arthropleura, because it melts any armor
Bye bye flak gear
I recently constructed a 1x8 pen with walls in ARK Ascended, and I found an effective way to tame an Arthro. I used my Argent 🦅 to transport it inside the pen. After placing it in the enclosure, I patiently waited, and the Arthro naturally turned about 90 degrees, which caused it to become stuck. This allowed me to easily tame it using spoiled meat from a spot near the back end of the Arthro, right along the edge of the wall. This method proved to be a straightforward approach, eliminating the need to create bug repellent or worry about potential attacks. Overall, it was a simple and effective trap design!
Full Ghillisuit, bug repellent, and balls of steel because these are scary to tame! They have the taming slot right behind their head about where the saddle would normally sit. Must approach from behind and only approach when feeding, stay away otherwise
SUPER EASY TAMING!!!...Best place I've found to tame high level Arthropeluras is the cave of the Hunter on the Island, aprox lat 80, lon 53. I usually take a mate boosted pair of Baryonyx, find the large water holes, kill everything that attacks you using the Baryonyx tail whip attack (great for sarcos), once everything is dead look at the bottom of the water, usually there is 3-4 Arthropeluras laying still, THEY WON'T ATTACK YOU! proceed to feed rotten meat (I recommend broth of enlightenment), and enjoy your new demolition dino. PRO TIP: If you're looking for a level 150, kill everything in the cave, leave render, return and there should be fresh spawns. Rinse and repeat 😊 Happy Hunting - Sanch3z
To tame these you need broth of enlightenment ⬆️ newbies can see
For people on mobile, it’s simple, first cave tame a areneo, if they are tamed in a cave, no cave creature will attack it, go to the central cave, ride your areneo and find these things, feed it spoiled meat until tamed, the best part is once you have a saddle for the arthropluera, nothing attacks you when your on its back, ((WARNING)) never get off the areneo’s back while taming, everything will attack you even when you go back on its back, I hope this helps you guys
Pick it up with an argy and put it in taming pin. Should be made with doors so you can have easy access to it. Get bug repellent so it won't aggro you good luck :^)
Equip good ghillie equipment, use some bug repellant, this will make the Arthropluera not sense you easier. Crouch down and slowly walk up behind it. With rotted meat on your last hotbar box, feed it until it’s tamed!
to easily tame a high level centipede go to ragnarok desert with argen and drop it in a stone
foundation box with walls you can feed it through the wall and it will not see you. why do people bother taming these on other maps?
Pick it up with a wyvern drop it in the water it becomes passive
Tame these while riding a scorpion! Nothing will aggro unless you attack. Tame with rotten meat in your hotbar so u don’t have to dismount. Works for Dung Beetles/Centipedes/Spiders. Walk in, choose level, tame passively, walk out and request to the surface 👍 good luck
they CANNOT attack you while in the water!
Tip for anyone who thinks these fart wads are easy to tame: they aren't. Before you can even think about going down a cave to tame one, you need at least one Broth of Enlightenment, which you cannot feed to them until they de aggro, which means you also need Bug Repellent. A ghillie suit is recommended but not mandatory. If you wanna try stealing one with a megalosaurus to tame elsewhere, fat chance. The game tends to despawn the arthro the moment you exit the cave. Be prepared, thats all I'm gonna say.