ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

I think it’s strange that Araneo cannot wall on walls like the megalania.
More Araneo Encountering Tips
A handy guide to utility tames:
Achatina- Mainly found in swampy areas. Tame with sweet veggie cake. After tame, produces lots of CP and Org Poly when set to wander.
Anglerfish- found in deep oceans, the anglerfish is relatively hard to tame. It doesn’t require a saddle, and gathers huge quantities of silica pearls
Anky- Found in a plethora of different places. Look in snow, mountain, jungle, desert, etc. A relatively easy knockout tame, the anky is wonderful at gathering metal.
Argentavis- Found in mountains, snow, or desert biomes mainly. Another relatively easy tame, reduces weight for many useful materials. With high weight capacity, they are useful for transporting items or creatures. They also have a smithy in their saddle. Also, on a sadder note, Dilos got into my breeding buIdling and killed my best female 😢
Beelzebufo- Found in swamps mainly. A very easy tame, can gather cementing paste from insects.
Castoroides- Found in swampy areas, some snow biomes, and rivers/lakes. Not the easiest tame, but not to hard. When tamed, they gather wood like a pro! They have a smithy saddle.
Direbear- Found in redwoods and snow biomes. Lives alongside dangerous creatures, making it tricky to tame, but once tamed, it’s like a metal sickle that gathers 5x the fiber
Doedicurus- Found in redwoods, mountains, snow, desert, volcano. A relatively easy tame, although if it takes too much damage, it will roll up, drastically increasing the torpor it takes. Once tamed, it is a beast at gathering obsidian and stone
Dunkleosteus- Difficult tame thanks to its heavy armor. An oceanic tame, they are the anky/Doedic of the sea, gathering large amounts of metal and stone
Karkinos- found in Aberration and Val and CI and Genesis. in my opinion, these are utility tames. They are difficult to tame due to the fact that you can’t use normal tranquilizers. Once tamed, they can carry a maximum of two creatures. Carrying doedics or ankys in their claws can be a very efficient way to get metal.
Mammoth- Found in snow. Not too hard to tame, and gathers wood very effectively!
Moschops- found on beaches and forests. can harvest many different materials effectively. You can choose which materials your Moschops can harvest better
Quetzal-very hard tame, but doable, especially with a tribe. Has astounding weight and is great for transport!
Snow Owl- Easy knockout tame found in extinction snow biome. When tamed, can heal other creatures and is a great travel mount.
Therizinosaurus- Challenging tame found in jungles. Can gather wood, thatch and fiber quite well.
Thorny Dragon- Easy tame found in deserts. A good tame for gathering wood on SE, a map lacking many normal wood gatherers.
Hope u liked! Pls 🆙 the tip. Have a nice day! 😀
Hi I’m MastaCheeks420… here is my story
One day I ventured into one of the caves that you can find on the missions (ark Mobile) and it was a VERY GOOD place for metal and rocks etc. Only downside was the titanaboa and the spider along with the scorpions (plz don’t judge I can’t remember names) but at the time I didn’t know about them. There was this cliff that I didn’t see and I fell down into it. NOTE: I’m about level 40+ and unlocked the primitive longneck rifle, primitive double barrel shotgun, and primitive crossbow (no attachments). Lucky I had 50 rifle shells and 46 shotgun-shells, with a handful of arrows in the crispy crossbow 🤘. So here is the layout of the cave… and yes I know it’s a freaking essay OK JUST DEAL WITH IT! But anyways the layout is first the cliff… no way up it’s too steap to climb and I had no resources on me other than food and water. So along with the wall on your back you have a front section of a “Y” or aka a fork. So I decide while I’m in there to find the artifact that was in there. I found it and I had just wasted 26 rifle rounds taking out 1000 hp+ scorpions so after the artifact I went to the right side of the “Y” and there is where it all started MY FIRST INCOUNTER WITH THE TITANA BOA!!! (Along with the spiders) No joke I thought the guys were tuff as nails but in all reality they are just a huge target. (Doom music kicks in) With the shotgun I started baiting them around a corner to their demise. I would have to run a few trying to reload the double barrel. But they were just easy targets. The tough ones were the spiders and scorpions. I didn’t want to deal with them so what I did was just full on sprint through the whole thing (stamina is at 240 while speed in near 250 so I’m a speedy boy) but I run, swim and parkour over all the critters and when I get to a choke point I am able to gather some wood and fiber to make 1 spike wall!!! And while the spike is building I have a horde of titana boas and arachnids in a big ol’ wave. Like no joke on each other trying to get a piece of me. So I’m blasting away and as soon as I ran out of shotgun bullets the spike wall was finished! I placed it down at the choke point and all of them died! I was able to rack up 4 LEVELS!!! I made my way out like nothing happened with half health and literally dieing of hunger… I had taken about 400 arrows in all from harvesting the titana boas and 804 chitin from spiders+scorpions!! And on my way out feeling like a champ… and then a level 40 Alfa raptor comes and stomps the crap out of me 🥲
Moral of the story… don’t smoke crack!
If u read this far your either a champ or a man/woman with nothing better to do with their life so you mine as well hit the up 🆙 button while u at it 👌 ima post this on the other species I encountered there as well.
Arthropleura: So, Mrs. Lysrix, what are you doing today?
Lysrix: Um, I'd like to be in labor for the day and hatch out 499 babies.
Arthropleura: Wha? W-what are you going to name them all?
Lysrix: I'll name them, Araneo, Araneo, Araneo, Araneo, Araneo, Araneo, Araneo, Araneo, Araneo, Araneo, Araneo all the way up to #498, and then I'll name the last one Steve.
Lysrix: (poping out 499 spider babies)
Arthropleura: Welcome to the world, little man!
Lysrix: Um, that one's a girl. The other 498 are all men.
Steve: Um, why are you all fighting over me
Steve: Why? Am I not a boy?
Lysrix: No, Steve is a girl. All of the others are boys.
Lysrix: Is it too late to unclaim all 499 of you? The Arthropleura will take care of you now.
Arthropleura: AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
That's why Araneos are so rambunctious. They want to mate with someone but they're all boys.
To the person saying where do I find these, what I know of, there are caves on the island and above ground on extinction. Hope this helps.
In The Island, these spawn in almost every cave.
I fear no man.... But that thing it scares me
The mouth isn’t right. It has 4 mandibles with webbing, clearly pointing a reference to the Predators without their thermal mask.
Like all creatures, a good shotgun shell at point blank range to the face will kill this creature in spectacular fashion.
Make pursuits unlockable before having specified engrams for extra rewards
Example: did Artifact of the hunter and tributed it
*4 pursuits later*
Wants me to kill more araneos