ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Taming & KO Tips

How do I tame a araneo? Tips and strategies on taming and knocking out a araneo.
If you tame this creature outside a cave(especially revival tame etc.)Creatures on every cave will still argo you, if you want to be ignored and be vulnerable(unless u don't attack any of them) against cave creatures/caves, tame a araneo/arthroupleura inside a cave, once you've tamed it, no cave creatures will attack you(unless you won't attack them). idk if this work on pc, but works on mobile for me.:v
To tame these you will need bug repellent, as they aggro on you otherwise. Then, approach them carefully, making sure that you don’t get too close, or the will attack you. Feed spoiled meat for maximum taming speed. It is best if you find one that is alone. Thanks for reading
To people saying knock it out. Its a passive tame. Dont waste your time
Make 1 foundation and put 8 walls on it making a 2 high box without a lid, drop the spider into this funnel like trap, when you see it's legs show through the trap from the outside look at them directly and you can feed it, you do not need bug repellent for this
To tame you need bug repellent and sneak up to it and shove rotten meat up it's butthole, same with arthropleura.
Cheesy tip: mount a scorpion or Arthepluora or even another Araneo, walk up to the one u wanna tame while sitting on your tamed insect and feed it. For some reason none of the Dino in game agro on insect type dinos what so ever ;)
Best way to tame an Araneo is to use bug repellent.
So, biggest thing no one tells you on here. If you only have repellant and no ghille, put it on and go at them from the SIDE!! Not head on, not directly behind. The side. Never aggros on you that way. From the back and front even with repellant it aggroed 3x each before i tried it this way.
For taming an araneo
1st:make a bug reppelant it unlocks at level 16 and it needs 12 engram points its recipe is: 6 pelt 2 narcotic 4 citronal 4 rockarrots
2nd : go to hunter cave with torch cuz hunter cave is so dark and bring metal weopens also
3rd: find an araneo and consume bug repellant you need to bring total 3 or 4 bug repellant
4rth: clear the area and you know how bug repellant works if you will consume it so then insects spiders scorpions snakes will ignore just dont attack them or dont go near them so then they will attack you
5th: after clearing the area consume bug repellant it effects only last for 5 min so its necessary to bring 3 or 4
6th carefully feed its preffered food spoiled meat it has passive taminf no knockout taming
7th: use shooting balm your choice
Boom! You have tamef an araneo
Araneo saddle unlocks at level 40
For mobile:
1.Tame a low level pulmonoscorpius in a cave(recommended)/use bug repellent
2.bring spoiled meat
3.passive tame so feed it until it's tamed up
Up to show everyone.
1 Go to a cave 2 punch it hide and knock it out 3 Get the tame out of the cave as soon as possible 4 realise you died at step 1
Fun tame good for base defense. Put a few in the bird cage or tame garage. Single not very effective but 4-5 will wreck kids.
Taming tip! Lead them to water! Araneo will lose aggro once it submerged in water so just swim downward and wait for it to stop swimming, then swim back up to it and feed spoiled meat till it drowns or till it’s tame, whichever comes first lol. Great way to get one with a good oxygen stat! 😂
Go inside Hunter Cave.
Apply Bug repellent.
Find and choose an Araneo you need.
Feed spoiled meat non violently.
Equip it saddle.
Run any cave you want and nothing will attack you.
*This technique works only if an Araneo is tamed in a cave.*
*Do not, never request the creature else cave dinos will attack you.
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Can you tame an araneo inside a swamp cave?
An easy way to tame it is to use a kapra to grab it run it out of the cave and put it in your taming pin.
These guys aren’t that good, they are okay for caves but I think are really cool and in need of a tlc.
Don’t do what I did I forgot it was a passive tame
You need to have a bug reppelant and a ghillie Armor to tame one of these guys.
They are also good at farming caves for BP
DO NOT PUT THEM IN THE WATER TO TAME. They will die lmao. The best way to tame is using bug repellent.