To: Sylveevee, SangToareGirl, DiploLover, RelatingHen

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To: Sylveevee, SangToareGirl, DiploLover, RelatingHen

From: Ben, & KM

Sylveevee, Chapter 6 of WOA was nice. I like how the Mystical Kingdom people speak in old English, it gives it a bit more spark. And wow Skyocean got handled pretty easily by the Mystery Person. I like how it’s tying in with Phantom Legends. Things are picking up again.

SangToareGirl, Chapter 2 of TTTOA (very crazy acronym) was cutesies, very. We can already suspect the romantic tension between Syaoran and Kiri. They’ll probably dance in the next chapter. I can’t wait to see if this romance is doomed or meant to be. Hopefully the former. Anyway, can’t wait for the next.

DiploLover, the last few chapters of CON were great stuff. It was really enjoying seeing the True Prophecy come to life, and how everything intertwines. Adira is such a villain, which we adore. Shadow having been corrupted by Adira was also a nice touch, and the fact that Adira has the powers of Apollo and Fenrir (now it seems) implies Absorption powers. I just wish we got more stuff with Reign, since she doesn’t get much screentime despite revealing the True Prophecy. So I guess that makes the fifth wolf both Ridley and Apollo, in a way. And yes, we loved Apollo’s death. (Especially after he told Astra he loved her). Sad for Prince and Pax, I guess..

Relating, Chapter 12 of JTAC was fun. Story reminds me of a long one we once read. What was it called? We don’t remember. It was pretty long though and the formatting was a bit similar. Anyway, Denine must have some pretty insane luck if she got a 756% Shotgun. Though it’d be pretty hard to lose if anything coming your way would just get blasted into oblivion. Honestly the tribe would be way better off on their own without Sodden, the only thing he’s got going for him is a Carcha (and his Raptor army too… but Raptors aren’t very good with PVP last time I checked, they die easily to larger tames). Nudon could probably clear C Tribe on their own, if they got a bit more tames besides Rexes. A criticism though; Nameless doesn’t seem nearly a threatening enough tribe to drive the viewers to suspense. Yeah, they’re out for Denine’s shotgun, but what about it? Denine still has the shotgun. She could easily take down the tribe humans (and get rid of them permanently by destroying their implants) and with the Rexes and her shotgun easily take down the Gigas (if she has a Pump Action shotgun, it’ll do approximately 4500 PER SHOT). Give or take, Nameless don’t feel much of a threat to make the viewers care. Criticisms aside, Sodden is being very dumb with his decisions right now, especially with the lurking threat of Nameless. I’m starting to get annoyed by him and even hate him chapter by chapter. The fact that Sodden doesn’t warn the others at all about Nameless after Dundo warns him (nice seeing him again) isn’t exactly the brightest idea, especially when we see that he can easily communicate with them at any time. Instead of taking it seriously, he just decides to keep going through with his mission and enjoying the view. Seriously what a fraud. Sodden presents himself as this noble, valiant hero willing to defend those close to him, when really he doesn’t know half of what he’s doing. Not to mention his completely unnecessary and selfish mission of killing all creatures, when Serenity and all the other C Tribe members’ lives are at stake. Sodden was endowed a heavy mission, and this is how he spends his time? Sodden could easily go through and speedrun the caves and leave The Island to head to Scorched Earth and eventually destroy the Assassin Heart on Earth, but instead he wastes his time with killing the creatures (alphabetically, and not to mention he will go to the non-canon custom arks too, further wasting more time). Truly, Sodden is not the hero he presents himself to be. Serenity is a fool for entrusting Sodden to such a heavy burden… especially when there are hundreds of other people on the ARK who would be more capable. Nudon even let Sodden do the easy caves while they do all the hard work for him. If Sodden can’t even clear a few caves on his own what luck will he have facing off against the King Titan? What will he do to protect his allies? He’s dead weight, and a slacker! Down with Sodden the fraud! Down I say! Anyway, we’ll be around for the next chapter. Surely, Nameless will easily destroy Sodden’s implant.

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