ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Utility Tips

What is a vulture used for? vulture battling strategies in ARK: Survival Evolved.
Vulture base damage is 23 per bite. A rex is 62 damage per bite. So at 300% damage ( which is incredibly easy to get with a vulture ) you essentially have a rex biting from your shoulder every 2-4 seconds. A vulture can get 600%+ damage. In other words, tame two high levels and breed them for nothing but absolutely devastating damage.
-These guys have a flight pattern like no other making them hard to hit.
-They can sit on your shoulder and deal mass damage (way more than a Rex) every 4-6 seconds.
-When on your shoulder they gain levels quickly and collect meat, meaning you can just forget they’re there.
-In a swarm you can have something like 68 vultures, ALL with bites worst than a Rex, team up and murder intruders.
-The main downside is that they won’t attack on whistle or when you provoke, only when you or a fellow animal is hit does it attack.
Do what you will with this knowledge get an army as I have done or just a few more, but make sure you own a vulture
,Your Dododex Pal-CRABZ.
Hey are you a low level trying to get into the caves for some god dam reason??? Taming multiple vultures is very useful because of their unique attacking pattern makes them harder to hit when they attack they also attack while on your shoulder (which saved my life so many times) very good tame
These things are G R E A T. Recommend especially for starters on scorched earth since they’re everywhere and easy to tame (passive tame with spoiled meat) I have a lvl 50 vulture named Vile on scorched earth (AKA my noob ARK) and she killed a lvl 6 kapro almost all on her own and took almost NO DAMAGE. Tame these up and have em perch on your shoulder, also good for fending off smaller bugs!
They can attack from your shoulder and act as a quote un quote homing misleading when thrown at your enemies and when meat is put in their enemy it takes much longer to spoil (the way vaulters have a pretty strong bite but a rexes bite is more powerful but if you get your vaulter to 300% damage that’s the same as a Rex which Is amazingly easy with a vulture as their damage every level when upgraded is amazing if you get it to 600% you basically have a giga on your shoulder
Very much like a desert dimorphodon, taming a flock of vultures is very useful for battle, they can swarm enemies and deal damage fast. However, they are rather slow, so should be used as a defensive rather than offensive on PVP. For battle purposes, lvl up Health and Melee.